
H-Urban is a moderated, multi-disciplinary forum for discussion and dissemination of scholarship on urban history and urban studies. As a member of H-NET (Humanities and Social Sciences OnLine), H-Urban has no geographical or chronological boundaries. H-URBAN welcomes the involvement of scholars, professionals, and graduate students who are interested in urban places and processes across the globe and in all eras. Website

Urban Sciences Agenda & Newsletter

A spin off from a Dutch research programme on Urbanization, Urbanism and Urban Culture in The Netherlands, the website Urban Sciences provides an up to date overview of research activities in urban sciences in the broadest sense of the term. Website

Urban Portal

A one-stop resource portal featuring the latest in urban social science. The Portal contains a robust array of tools for urban research, including numerous datasets and links to relevant websites and journals. An extensive listing of national and international conferences and a directory of University of Chicago faculty working on urban questions are also available on the site. The Portal also contains a continuously updated list of urban workshops, presentations, and other events at the University of Chicago and links to urban institutes and initiatives at the university. Website