Sven Verbruggen op Hoogbouwdebat

Steeds meer mensen gaan in de steden wonen. Dat is een trend die we niet alleen in Vlaanderen, maar internationaal terugzien. Wat wil dat zeggen? Dat we denser zullen moeten gaan bouwen en dus ook meer hoogbouw realiseren. Hoe de weg ernaartoe verloopt zoekt Reynaers uit in de Architectura-podcast ‘Stadsverdichting: de weg naar meer hoogbouw’.

Professor position: Sustainable construction in architecture

The Department of Architecture in the Faculty of Design Sciences has the following full-time vacancy: tenured senior academic staff in the field of Sustainable construction in architecture

Summer School The Loop: Erop of Eronder!

Sta jij soms te dromen over de mogelijkheden van luchtbruggen tussen de hoogbouw en ondergrondse paradijzen als extra ruimtelijke dimensie? Over het potentieel van alle daken en gevels? Schrijf je dan hier in voor Summer School The Loop: Erop of Eronder

Sven Verbruggen on energy-neutral district architecture

To foster energy-neutral districts, the University of Antwerp is developing Retrofit – a tool that enables scenario recommendations based on data collection and machine learning. During this session, Sven Verbruggen, Professor Architecture at UAntwerp, and Joris De Lamper, Manager Innovation Acceleration Services – Digital Innovation at Verhaert, will discuss how digital technologies can provide real estate developers, policymakers and other stakeholder within with insights on the impact-neutral design of districts.

Webinar 'Circulaire Verpakking'

Uitnodiging Gratis webinar 'Circulaire verpakking' op 1 juli 2022 van 9u30 tot 11u30. ‘Welke verpakkingen horen wel en niet thuis in de circulaire economie?’ De relatie wordt gelegd tussen het concept van circulaire economie en de ecodesign aanpak. Aan de hand van tal van voorbeelden wordt een roadmap gepresenteerd om de principes van de circulaire economie te integreren bij het ontwerpen van verpakkingssystemen.

CLIMATHON Social City Design

This summer school (4 - 8 July, 2022) organised by the University of Antwerp in collaboration with Stadsform and the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) aims to connect the two through social design and Product-Service System design. Interested? Register before monday 6/6 and join a team and receive professional coaching to work on one of the 6 challenges formulated by the Innovation Network of the Flemish Government (INO)!

Welcome Nina!

Nina de Jonghe joined the Design Sciences Hub to lead the Mobicap Linkeroever project

Energy-neutral district architecture

Let's start rethinking the design of our cities and buildings now. Join the inspiration session of Sven from UAntwerpen Valorisation Office and Joris from Verhaert on how digital technologies provide crucial insights for energy-neutral construction and district design.

Retrofit Workshop

Subscribe for our 'optimizing energy-performance of real estate developments' workshop at the Beacon, on May 18th 2022.

Summer School: Ephemeral Permanence 1:1

Designing and building with reclaimed structural components. From 20th June - 1st July, by Mario Rinke at Aalborg University.

Summer School: The Sustainable City

An integrated perspective on sustainability from a profoundly interdisciplinary perspective. From 22-29 august 2022, by the Brussels Studies Institute.

Summer School: CityLAB VIII

Creating healthy cities: an integrated approach. From 4-8 July 2022 at the Urban Studies Institute (UAntwerpen)

We klikken ons los van het maaiveld!

Denk jij mee over de impact van innovatieve drie-dimensionele uitdagingen op onze leefomgeving? Schrijf je in voor de workshop '3D omgevingsplanning' via deze link.

Hoe betalen we de verduurzaming van steden?

Naast een theoretische introductie door Tom Coppens (UAntwerpen) zal Joost Venken (Stad Genk) ons meenemen in de praktijk en het Suds & Soda project voorstellen. Tine Compernolle (UAntwerpen) zal het gesprek modereren.

Food choices in urban environments

Click here to follow the seminar by Lukar Thornton, a tenure track Assistant Professor in the Department of Marketing at the University of Antwerp. The seminar will present and discuss Lukar’s research on food choices in urban environments.

Green Deal Anders Verpakt

Today, Jana Deforche (Design Sciences Hub ) and Els Du Bois (ReuseLab) will sign the 'Green Deal Anders Verpakt' for the Universiteit Antwerpen, in search of solutions to prevent and re-use packaging in the distribution sector.

Welcome Stefanie!

From February onwards, Stefanie will join the Design Sciences Hub

Circular Economy challenge

Cecilia Furlan is invited to pitch her proposal at the 'Data-enabled Solutions for Circular Economy challenge'

DSH is hiring!

We are looking for a full time project manager to join our young and dynamic team

En de rest is parking

Discover Maarten Van Acker's new book on Antwerp

AHA! award - promising

Els Du bois is nominated for the AHA! awards in the category 'promising'B

Kanaal Z on circularity

Discover Jana Deforche's contribution to the next episode of Kanaal Z - Canal Z innovation on circularity.


Discover our new project 'retrofit' under the 'projects' header!

Blue Sky Studio

The Blue Sky Studio on future urban health was named at YUFE conference in Bremen.

Reaching out

Jana Deforche speaks at IST dialogue session 'Managing through crises in urban transdisciplinary research settings'. Find out more here.

Stadsform x EU Climathon

Design Sciences Hub warmly invites you to the 'Hack the City' event by Stadsform and EU Climathon. Subscribe here.


Research project 'ATLANTES', for the Province of Antwerp, was kicked-off. Learn more about the project here.

Cultural Brokerage

Research report ‘cultural brokerage'was successfully submitted to Lantis. Learn more about the project here.

Vesten Mechelen

Report on our research by design project for the City of Mechelen was successfully submitted. Learn more about the project soon.

Future Urban Health

The virtual exhibition on Future Urban Health in now online. Discover the first Blue Sky Studio work here.

Future Urban Health

Revisit the Future Urban Health debate at Stadsform here.