Below are the conferences on which the PhD-researcher has been admitted as speaker (chronologically listed). The presentation that is added has been used in the conference. For every presentation a working paper has been drafted, of which some of the papers have evolved into published articles.
1. Regards croisés sur les crises médiévales (Europe du Nord-Ouest, Italie)
23-24 January 2018, Academia Belgica/Ecole Française de Rome, Rome (ITA)
2. European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) 2018
4-7 April 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast (NIE)
“Grain Prices and Food Crises in 14th century Flemish Cities” (first acquaintance with the grain prices)
3. Economic History Association 2018 Meeting: ‘From Plague, Famine, and War, Save us, O Lord’
7-9 September 2018, Montréal (CAN)
“Managing the Food Shocks of the Great Transition: Flemish Cities and the Food Crises of the Fourteenth Century” (case studies: 1330-1338, 1339-1343, 1349-1352, 1359-1361) (co-written with dr. Tim Soens, UAntwerp)
4. ESTER (European Graduate School for Training in Economic and Social Historical Research) Research Design Course 2018
29-31 October 2018, European University Institute, Firenze (ITA)
“Managing the Food Shocks of the Great Transition: Flemish Cities and the Food Crises of the Fourteenth Century” (Case studies management + grain prices)
5. Datini 51 Study Week (2019): Economic inequality in pre-industrial societies: causes and effects
12-15 May 2019, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Prato (ITA)
“Feeding inequalities. The role of economic inequality and the urban market in late medieval food security (the case of fourteenth century Ghent)” (co-written and -presented with Sam Geens, UAntwerp)
6. Sowing the Seeds VI: A Workshop for Early-Career Medieval Economic and Social Historians
15 June 2019, London School of Economics and Political Science, Londen (UK)
"Managing the Food Shocks of the Great Transition: Flemish Cities and the Food Crises of the Fourteenth Century” (entire 14th century)
7. International Medieval Congress 2019
1-4 July 2019, University of Leeds, Leeds (UK)
"Managing the Food Shocks of the Great Transition: Flemish Cities and the Food Crises of the Fourteenth Century” (entire 14th century)
8. Rural History 2019
10-13 September 2019, EHESS (École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), Paris (FRA)
"Grain prices in the late medieval Flemish Cities" (in-depth analysis grain prices)
9. International Conference on Food Economies in Premodern Societies. Food markets development and integration (XIth-XVIIIth centuries)
11-12 June 2020, Universitat de Lleida, Lleida (SPA) - moved to 17-18 September 2020 (virtual format) due to COVID-19 pandemic
"Grain market integration in late medieval Flanders and Europe" (vijfde hoofdstuk proefschrift)
10. Posthumus Congres 2020
28-29 May 2020, Erasmus University Rotterdam (NLD) – moved to 16 October 2020 (virtual format) due to COVID-19 pandemic
“Grain market integration in late medieval Flanders and Europe” (fifth chapter dissertation)
11. The integration of food markets in medieval Europe (11th-15th centuries) (3): Formation, regulation and trends of prices
17-18 June 2021, University of Valencia (SPA) – virtual format due to COVID-19 pandemic
"Market prices of grain in fourteenth-century Flanders: the importance of dated prices" (first chapter dissertation)
12. Agricliometrics IV - Quantitative Approaches to Rural, Agricultural and Environmental History
9-10 December 2021, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid (SPA) - hybrid format due to COVID-19 pandemic
"Driven by Crises. Price Integration on the Grain Market in Late Medieval Flanders" (reworked fifth chapter dissertation - article format)