The Master's program in Nursing and Midwifery provides an academic superstructure upon the Bachelor's degree in nursing or midwifery. The academic completion takes place at the University of Antwerp in collaboration with the AP University College Antwerp, Karel de Grote University College, and HZ University of Applied Sciences. This collaboration within the Association University Antwerp and University Colleges Antwerp (AUHA) with an international partner opens up possibilities for an innovative approach to this program. The program is competency-based, with the structure of the curriculum designed, among other things, with consideration for the Dublin descriptors and CanMeds roles (medical expert, communicator, team player, manager, health promoter, scholar, and professional).

The Master's program in Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Antwerp consciously opts for a high-quality academic education, offering four specializations in the master's year: Leadership in Health and Care, Researcher in Health and Care, Nursing Specialist, and Midwifery Specialist. While students choose to specialize in the master's year, the program continues to pursue generic competencies within the four roles of a future academic nurse or midwife. These roles are derived from analyses of individuals and society, as well as reflections from the professional field. These roles include the Master in Nursing and Midwifery as a clinical leader, Master in Nursing and Midwifery as a researcher, Master in Nursing and Midwifery as an evidence-based expert, and Master in Nursing and Midwifery as an academic healthcare provider.

Internationally, this program aligns with the Master in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, providing the opportunity for midwives and nurses to further develop themselves at an academic master's level. With a master's degree in nursing or midwifery, individuals can work at an academic level, addressing issues related to intervention, innovation, and implementation processes in healthcare. Alumni will strive for clinical leadership, scientific research, evidence-based practice, and an academic attitude.

A bridging program (60 credits) is offered as preparation for a master's program (60 credits). In each of the four specializations, an internship is included where competencies and skills are developed project-wise in collaboration with and embedded in the practical field. Additionally, students demonstrate scientific competencies and skills in developing, arguing, debating, and defending a master's thesis as a scientific publication.