Ir. Paul Gybels
University of Antwerp - City Campus
Building C - Prinsstraat 13 - 2000 Antwerpen
(within walking distance from central station and bus station Rooseveltplaats)
Level 1 : choose from daytime course or evening course
(daytime group) on Tuesdays from 13.30 until 15.00 as of 24 September 2024, room ABC.301
(evening group) on Tuesdays from 19.00 until 20.30 as of 24 September 2024, room ABC.301
Level 2 :
(daytime group) on Thursdays from 13.30 until 15.00 as of 10 October 2024, room ABC.301
(evening group) on Thursdays from 18.00 until 19.30 as of 10 October 2024, room ABC.301
Registration by using the registration form which you can fill out on this website. The course fee should be transferred to the following account: 735-0085315-40 (Instituut voor Joodse Studies UA p.a. Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen) mentioning "course name + your name".
For international transfers: IBAN BE02 7350 0853 1540 / BIC KREDBEBB
The course fee for the Yiddish language course is EUR 150,- (EUR 90,-)* for the entire academic year.
If you register for both Yiddish and Hebrew classes you only pay EUR 200,- (EUR 120,-)* in total.
*Qualify for the reduced course fee (amount in brackets): UA personnel, students (with student card), persons in search of employment (with certificate from the Flemish Department of Employment Agency/the Social Service Department), disabled persons with allowance (with certificate from social security service), 60+
Why Yiddish?
interview with our language teacher Paul Gybels in the Yiddish radio Program "Naye Khvalyes" (Polish radio channel)