LMM will strengthen the innovation capacity in AMR surveillance in Croatia and Hungary: the EU-funded AmReSu project

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is on the rise, resulting in 700 000 deaths worldwide every year. In Croatia and Hungary, AMR is responsible for the rapid increase in morbidity and mortality rates. The EU-funded AmReSu project will strengthen the innovation capacity in AMR surveillance in Croatia and Hungary, focusing on whole genome sequencing in correlation with next-generation sequencing techniques. It will also establish an 'AMR surveillance vision'. The project relies on the cooperation of Semmelweis University in Budapest and Klinika za infektivne bolesti 'Dr. Fran Mihaljevic' in Zagreb with two internationally leading research institutions, the Laboratory of Medical Microbiology (LMM) at the University of Antwerp (UAntwerpen) and the Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands. AmReSu will facilitate knowledge transfer, exchanges of best practices via training activities and the promotion of research excellence.
For the description of the project: Enhanced Networking on Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance with Next Generation Sequencing | AmReSu Project | H2020 | CORDIS | European Commission (europa.eu)