MIGLOBA member Amal Miri to open Lunch Talk with Amir Sulaiman

Block lunchtime at Friday 6 October in your agenda!

Four times per year, the Faculty of Social Science & Nuff Said are bringing inspiring guests  from the world of comedy, literature, or music over for a Lunch Talk. The focus is on the personal and professional story of the guest, and how it takes place against a background of important social themes and events such as migration, polarization and (international) conflicts.

This time, the Amir Sulaiman will visit Antwerp. Drawing upon his experience as a Harvard Fellow, poet, screenwriter & producer, he will bring a program that explores the art of hip hop and poetry as a means to deepen spirituality and encourage solidarity in the world.

If this hasn't convinced you: our own Amal Miri will give the introduction!

When? Friday October 6, 12:00 - 13:15

Where? UAntwerpen Rodestraat 14 2000 Antwerpen Lokaal S.R.219.

Entrance is free, but registration is required. You can find the form here