Research team

Digitalization and social inclusion of migrant parents in secondary schools: a challenge or an opportunity? 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026


This project investigates the impact of the process of growing digitalization in public schools upon social inclusion of parents with a migratory background, in Belgium and in Italy. The research addresses the nexus between digitalization and social inclusion of migrant parents by bringing together two distinct domains of literature: the studies about digitalization and the impact of digital technologies on the education field and those about migrants' social inclusion at school level. Drawing from both fields of literature, the project contributes to further expanding the research about migrant parents' social inclusion in schools, which remains a small research strand within the curernt state of the art which focuses more on 'migrant' pupils. Differently from previous research, this work is interested not only in the characteristics of parents' communications and interpersonal interactions with teachers but also in parents' sense of belonging and inclusion in the school context, emerging from these interactions. Moreover, the analysis contributes to the domain of research about digitalization and its impact on the education field as well. Namely, it is one of the first studies that analyze, in a systematic and in-depth manner, the advantages and/or disadvantages that digital technologies may bring to the interactions and relations between teachers and migrant parents as well as to parents' sense of belonging. This research project not only hopes to advance our understanding of these processes from an academic perspective, but also to support migrant parents, communities and school actors in their mutual interactions and relations.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project