Psychological contract fulfillment in a changing public sector : a mixed-methods case-study

Strengthening Democratic Governance for Better Public Policies and Services : proceedings of the EGPA 2024 Conference, 3-6 September, 2024, Athens, Greece- () p.

CEO turnover and openness of decision-making processes in the post-succession phase : exploring a threat-rigidity perspective

Administration and society - ISSN 0095-3997- (2024) p. 1-24

Using Twitter as a public communication strategy : can ‘@NMBS’ improve the relationship between citizens and the National Railway Company of Belgium?

Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, 2024,VIII, 262 p.

How trust matters for the performance and legitimacy of regulatory regimes : the differential impact of watchful trust and good‐faith trust

Regulation & governance - ISSN 1748-5983- (2024) p. 1-18

Between aims and execution : value trade-offs in the practical implementation of the European Arrest Warrant?

European journal of risk regulation - ISSN 1867-299X- (2024) p.