Learning outcomes

1. The Master is able to define and distinguish the concepts of specific domains of business administration at an advanced level, and can accurately describe the current scientific discussion and the newest developments within these domains.

2. The Master is able to update and supplement their knowledge of specific business economic domains through the critical analysis of various national and international sources.

3. The Master is able to use their analytical insights and methodological training to conduct scientific research properly, whether independently or in a group. The Master knows the possibilities and the limitations of various research methods. In doing so, the Master can deal with technological appllications in an ethically responsible manner.

4. The Master is able to critically evaluate the results of their own or other scientific research, using them as a foundation for proposing appropriate and responsible solutions to complex problems.

5. The Master is able to communicate and report effectively, respectfully and persuasively at an academic level to professional audiences.

6. The Master is able to operate efficiently and effectively in multicultural and/or international team assignments.

7. The Master recognizes the aspects of ethics and sustainability in business operations within a globalising world, integrating them into a global conceptual framework.

8. The Master is able to chart the interaction between global societal change and the functioning of organisations, and is able to assess their impact on business decisions. To this end, the Master can deal with technological applications in an ethically responsible manner.