Cyber-Physical Systems

Option 3

This option will give you the knowledge, skills and competences to design and research new Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) by combining informatics, communication, signal processing, sensing and electronics with new state-of-the-art (CPS) model-driven engineering and control technologies. 

What are Cyber-Physical Systems?

Cyber-Physical Systems are systems where the sensors, control and computational properties are optimally adapted to the mechanical and functional requirements of the system at hand. In the fast-evolving world of digital innovation the main focus lies on the optimal integration of the individual parts of Cyber-Physical Systems to achieve certain performance constraints.

Programme overview

The core component of this programme is solving functional, safety and timing constraints, while considering the physical and mechanical problems of both sensors and actuators, using a model-driven approach.

In your Master's thesis (21 ECTS) and in the course Cyber-Physical Systems (12 ECTS) you will build, test and deploy control solutions in a cyber-physical context with non-trivial functional and non-functional constraints.

The study programme consists of three main modules:

  • core electronics-ICT competences (24 ECTS)
  • core Cyber-Physical Systems competences (15 ECTS)
  • Cyber-Physical Systems research competences (21 ECTS)