Study Programme of the Master of Teaching: Mathematics
Part 1
Compulsory Module Mathematics
6 ECTS-credits
Seminar Professional Knowledge in Mathematics
Electives Mathematics
At the end of your programme you have chosen 18 ECTS-credits from the list below. You can spread these over the first and second year of the master.
Actuarial Models
Finite Difference Methods and Financial Mathematics
Homological Algebra
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Algebraic Geometry
Field Arithmetic
Numerical Optimisation
Financial Mathematics
Electives Mathematics
At the end of your programme you have chosen 30 ECTS-credits from the list below. You can spread these over the first and second year of the master.
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Algebraic Function Fields
Analysis in Dynamics
Clifford Algebras and Conformal Function Theory
Central Simple Algebras and Involutions
Introduction to Performance Modelling
Quadratic Forms
Causal machine learning
Theory and Practice of Finite Elements Methods
Mathematical Logic
Part 2
Classroom Management
School, Policy and Society
Powerful Learning Environments
Teaching Methodology Mathematics with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology General Subjects for Technical and Vocational Education with Practice Sessions
Profiling Course with Practical Exercises: STEM
In-school Training: Completion Mathematics with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Mathematics 2 with Supervision
In-school/company training: expertise
If you have chosen two teaching methodologies, choose "In-school training: specialization". If you have chosen one teaching methodology and the profiling course STEM, choose "In-school/company training: expertise STEM".
In-school Training: Specialization
In-school/Company Training: Expertise STEM
Teaching component - profiling elective
Choose 3 ECTS-credits from this list if you have taken one teaching methodology and the profiling course STEM.
Cognitive and Learning Processes
Student Counselling
School in a Super Diverse Society
Cognitive and Learning Processes
Student Counselling
School in a Super Diverse Society
Master's Thesis Part I: Methodological Seminars
Master's Thesis Part II: Dissertation
Master's Thesis Part III: Practical Case (1st Sem + 2nd Sem)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder
Part 1
Compulsory Module Mathematics
6 ECTS-credits
Seminar Professional Knowledge in Mathematics
History of Science and Society
Electives Mathematics
At the end of your programme you have chosen 18 ECTS-credits from the list below. You can spread these over the first and second year of the master.
Actuarial Models
Finite Difference Methods and Financial Mathematics
Homological Algebra
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Algebraic Geometry
Field Arithmetic
Numerical Optimisation
Financial Mathematics
Electives Mathematics
At the end of your programme you have chosen 30 ECTS-credits from the list below. You can spread these over the first and second year of the master.
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Advanced Statistical Models in Non-life Insurance
- Sander Devriendt
Algebraic Function Fields
Analysis in Dynamics
Clifford Algebras and Conformal Function Theory
Central Simple Algebras and Involutions
Advanced Topology
Introduction to Performance Modelling
Multigrid and Multiscale Solution Methods
- Siegfried Cools
Quadratic Forms
Robust Statistics
Theory and Practice of Finite Elements Methods
Applications of Differential Equations
Mathematical Logic
Part 2
Classroom Management
School, Policy and Society
Powerful Learning Environments
Teaching Methodology Mathematics with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology General Subjects for Technical and Vocational Education with Practice Sessions
Profiling Course with Practical Exercises: STEM
In-school Training: Completion Mathematics with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Mathematics 2 with Supervision
In-school/company training: expertise
If you have chosen two teaching methodologies, choose "In-school training: specialization". If you have chosen one teaching methodology and the profiling course STEM, choose "In-school/company training: expertise STEM".
In-school Training: Specialization
In-school/Company Training: Expertise STEM
Teaching component - profiling elective
Choose 3 ECTS-credits from this list if you have taken one teaching methodology and the profiling course STEM.
Cognitive and Learning Processes
Student Counselling
School in a Super Diverse Society
Cognitive and Learning Processes
Student Counselling
School in a Super Diverse Society
Master's Thesis Part I: Methodological Seminars
Master's Thesis Part II: Dissertation
Master's Thesis Part III: Practical Case (1st Sem + 2nd Sem)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder
Part 1
Compulsory Module Mathematics
6 ECTS-credits
Seminar professional knowledge in mathematics
Electives Mathematics
At the end of your programme you have chosen 18 ECTS-credits from the list below. You can spread these over the first and second year of the master.
Actuarial models
Finite difference methods and financial mathematics
Advanced calculation of probability
- Uwe Einmahl
Foundations of mathematics
- Mark Sioen
- Bob Lowen
Homological Algebra
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Algebraic topology
- Jens Hemelaer
Field Arithmetic
Functional analysis
- Kenny De Commer
Harmonic and Wavelet Analysis
- Ann Dooms
- Kurt Barbé
Numerical Optimisation
Associative algebra
- Leandro Vendramin
Financial mathematics
- Tetyana Kadankova
Financial mathematics
Electives Mathematics
At the end of your programme you have chosen 30 ECTS-credits from the list below. You can spread these over the first and second year of the master.
Advanced Statistical models in non-life insurance
- Sander Devriendt
Lévy processes and their applications
- Uwe Einmahl
Robust Statistics
- Tim Verdonck
- Pieter Segaert
Statistical methods I
- Kurt Barbé
Statistical methods II
- Kurt Barbé
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Algebraic function fields
Analysis in Dynamics
Banach and C*-algebras
- Kenny De Commer
Categoric topology
Category theory
- Ana Agore
Clifford algebras and conformal function theory
- Ann Dooms
Central Simple Algebras and involutions
Symplectic geometry
- Simone Gutt
Advanced topology
Hopf algebras and quantumgroups
- S. Caenepeel
- Joost Vercruysse
Introduction to performance modelling
Knot theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
Multigrid and multiscale solution methods
- Siegfried Cools
Permutation groups and incident geometry
- P. Cara
Quadratic forms
Reconstruction techniques in medical imaging
Simple groups
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Theory and practice of finite elements methods
Applications of differential equations
Mathematical logic
Teaching component
If you choose two teaching methodologies you take "Powerful learning environments". If you choose one teaching methodology and you haven't taken "Powerful learning environments" in your preparatory programme, you take this in the Master.
Classroom management
School, policy and society
Powerful learning environments
Teaching methodology
Choose 'Teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions'. Choose another teaching methodology from the list below or choose the profiling course STEM.
Teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions
Teaching methodology general subjects for technical and vocational education with practice sessions
- Jan T'Sas
- Maarten De Beucker
- Martine Mol
- Eva Verlinden
Profiling course with practical exercises: STEM
In-school training
Choose 'In-school training: completion mathematics' and choose the "In-school training: completion" course of your second teaching methodology. If you did not choose a second teaching methodology you choose "In-school training completion mathematics 2".
In-school training: completion mathematics with supervision
In-school training: completion mathematics 2 with supervision
In-school training: completion general subjects for technical and vocational education
- Jan T'Sas
- Maarten De Beucker
- Martine Mol
- Eva Verlinden
Part 2
Core course
6 ECTS-credits
History of science and society
Electives Mathematics
At the end of your programme you have chosen 18 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Actuarial models
Finite difference methods and financial mathematics
Advanced calculation of probability
- Uwe Einmahl
Foundations of mathematics
- Mark Sioen
- Bob Lowen
Homological Algebra
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Algebraic topology
- Jens Hemelaer
Field Arithmetic
Functional analysis
- Kenny De Commer
Harmonic and Wavelet Analysis
- Ann Dooms
- Kurt Barbé
Numerical Optimisation
Associative algebra
- Leandro Vendramin
Financial mathematics
- Tetyana Kadankova
Financial mathematics
At the end of your programme you have chosen 30 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Advanced Statistical models in non-life insurance
- Sander Devriendt
Lévy processes and their applications
- Uwe Einmahl
Robust Statistics
- Tim Verdonck
- Pieter Segaert
Statistical methods I
- Kurt Barbé
Statistical methods II
- Kurt Barbé
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Algebraic function fields
Analysis in Dynamics
Banach and C*-algebras
- Kenny De Commer
Categoric topology
Category theory
- Ana Agore
Clifford algebras and conformal function theory
- Ann Dooms
Central Simple Algebras and involutions
Symplectic geometry
- Simone Gutt
Advanced topology
Hopf algebras and quantumgroups
- S. Caenepeel
- Joost Vercruysse
Introduction to performance modelling
Knot theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
Multigrid and multiscale solution methods
- Siegfried Cools
Permutation groups and incident geometry
- P. Cara
Quadratic forms
Reconstruction techniques in medical imaging
Simple groups
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Theory and practice of finite elements methods
Applications of differential equations
Mathematical logic
In-school/company training: expertise
If you have chosen two teaching methodologies, choose "In-school training: specialization". If you have chosen one teaching methodology and the profiling course STEM, choose "In-school/company training: expertise STEM".
In-school training: specialization
In-school/company training: expertise STEM
Teaching component - profiling elective
Choose 3 ECTS-credits from this list if you have taken one teaching methodology and the profiling course STEM.
Cognitive and learning processes
Student counselling
School in a superdiverse society
Cognitive and learning processes
Student counselling
School in a super diverse society
Master thesis
24 ECTS-credits
Master's thesis part I: methodological seminars
Master's thesis part II: dissertation
Master's thesis part III: Practical case (1st sem + 2nd sem)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder
2-year Model Path
Compulsory Module Mathematics
6 ECTS-credits to be taken in the second year of your programme.
Seminar professional knowledge in mathematics
Electives Mathematics
Choose 18 ECTS-credits from the list below
Actuarial models
Finite difference methods and financial mathematics
Advanced calculation of probability
- Uwe Einmahl
Foundations of mathematics
- Mark Sioen
- Bob Lowen
Homological Algebra
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Algebraic topology
- Jens Hemelaer
Field Arithmetic
Functional analysis
- Kenny De Commer
Harmonic and Wavelet Analysis
- Ann Dooms
- Kurt Barbé
Financial mathematics
- Tetyana Kadankova
Financial mathematics
Choose 30 ECTS-credits from the list below
Advanced Statistical models in non-life insurance
- Robin Van Oirbeek
Lévy processes and their applications
- Uwe Einmahl
Robust Statistics
Statistical methods I
- Kurt Barbé
Statistical methods II
- Kurt Barbé
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Advanced Algebraic Topology
- - NNB
- Boris Shoykhet
Algebraic function fields
Analysis in Dynamics
Banach and C*-algebras
- Kenny De Commer
Categoric topology
Category theory
- Ana Agore
Clifford algebras and conformal function theory
- Ann Dooms
Central Simple Algebras and involutions
Symplectic geometry
- Simone Gutt
Advanced topology
Hopf algebras and quantumgroups
- S. Caenepeel
- Joost Vercruysse
Introduction to performance modelling
Knot theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
Multigrid and multiscale solution methods
- Siegfried Cools
Non-commutative geometry
- - NNB
Permutation groups and incident geometry
- P. Cara
Quadratic forms
Reconstruction techniques in medical imaging
Simple groups
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Theory and practice of finite elements methods
Applications of differential equations
Mathematical logic
Teaching component year 1
You follow 31 ECTS-credits.
Educational Science 2: Learning and Living Environments (1ste semester)
Educational Science 3: Educational Technology and Innovation
Educational Science 4: School and Society
Choose 'Teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions'. Choose another teaching methodology from the list below or choose the profiling course STEM.
Teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions
Teaching methodology general subjects for technical and vocational education with practice sessions
- Jan T'Sas
- Maarten De Beucker
- Martine Mol
- Eva Verlinden
Profiling course with practical exercises: STEM
- Annie Pinxten
- Leen Goovaerts
- Ellen Vandervieren
Choose 'In-school training: completion mathematics' and choose the 'in-school training: completion" course of your second teaching methodology. If you did not choose a second teaching methodology you choose "In-school training completion 2 mathematics
In-school training: completion 1 mathematics
In-school training: completion 2 mathematics
In-school training: completion 1 general subjects for technical and vocational education
- Jan T'Sas
- Maarten De Beucker
- Martine Mol
- Eva Verlinden
Part 2
Core course
6 credits
History of science and society
Electives Mathematics
18 credits
Actuarial models
Finite difference methods and financial mathematics
Advanced calculation of probability
- Uwe Einmahl
Foundations of mathematics
- Mark Sioen
- Bob Lowen
Homological Algebra
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Algebraic topology
- Jens Hemelaer
Field Arithmetic
Functional analysis
- Kenny De Commer
Harmonic and Wavelet Analysis
- Ann Dooms
- Kurt Barbé
Financial mathematics
- Tetyana Kadankova
Financial mathematics
30 credits
Advanced Statistical models in non-life insurance
- Robin Van Oirbeek
Lévy processes and their applications
- Uwe Einmahl
Robust Statistics
Statistical methods I
- Kurt Barbé
Statistical methods II
- Kurt Barbé
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Advanced Algebraic Topology
- - NNB
- Boris Shoykhet
Algebraic function fields
Analysis in Dynamics
Banach and C*-algebras
- Kenny De Commer
Categoric topology
Category theory
- Ana Agore
Clifford algebras and conformal function theory
- Ann Dooms
Central Simple Algebras and involutions
Symplectic geometry
- Simone Gutt
Advanced topology
Hopf algebras and quantumgroups
- S. Caenepeel
- Joost Vercruysse
Introduction to performance modelling
Knot theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
Multigrid and multiscale solution methods
- Siegfried Cools
Non-commutative geometry
- - NNB
Permutation groups and incident geometry
- P. Cara
Quadratic forms
Reconstruction techniques in medical imaging
Simple groups
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Theory and practice of finite elements methods
Applications of differential equations
Mathematical logic
In-school/company training: expertise
5 credits
In-school/company training: expertise
Master thesis
24 credits
Master's thesis part I: methodological seminars
Master's thesis part II: dissertation
Master's thesis part III: Practical case (1st sem + 2nd sem)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder
2-year Model Path
Teaching component year 1
You follow 31 ECTS-credits.
Choose 'Teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions'. Choose another teaching methodology from the list below or choose the profiling course STEM.
Teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions
Teaching methodology general subjects for technical and vocational education with practice sessions
Profiling course with practical exercises: STEM
- Leen Goovaerts
- Annie Pinxten
- Ellen Vandervieren
Choose 'In-school training: completion mathematics' and choose the 'in-school training: completion" course of your second teaching methodology. If you did not choose a second teaching methodology you choose "In-school training completion 2 mathematics
In-school training: completion 1 mathematics
In-school training: completion 2 mathematics
In-school training: completion 1 general subjects for technical and vocational education
Teaching component: year 2
"In-school/company training: expertise" is compulsory in the second year.
In-school/company training: expertise
Compulsory stem course for all majors
6 ECTS-credits to be taken in the second year of your programme.
History of science and society
Compulsory Module Mathematics
6 ECTS-credits to be taken in the second year of your programme.
Seminar professional knowledge in mathematics
Electives Mathematics
Choose 18 ECTS-credits from the list below
Actuarial models
Finite difference methods and financial mathematics
Advanced calculation of probability
- Uwe Einmahl
Foundations of mathematics
- Mark Sioen
- Bob Lowen
Homological Algebra
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Algebraic topology
- Boris Shoykhet
Field Arithmetic
Functional analysis
- Kenny De Commer
Harmonic and Wavelet Analysis
- Ann Dooms
- Kurt Barbé
Numerical Optimisation
Associative algebra
- E. Jespers
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Financial mathematics
- Tetyana Kadankova
Financial mathematics
Choose 30 ECTS-credits from the list below
Lévy processes and their applications
- Uwe Einmahl
Robust Statistics
Statistical methods I
- Kurt Barbé
Statistical methods II
- Kurt Barbé
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Advanced Algebraic Topology
- Boris Shoykhet
Algebraic function fields
Algebraic Geometry
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Analysis in Dynamics
Banach and C*-algebras
- Kenny De Commer
Categoric topology
Category theory
- Ana Agore
Clifford algebras and conformal function theory
- Ann Dooms
Central Simple Algebras and involutions
Symplectic geometry
- Simone Gutt
Geometry and Dynamics of Hamiltonian Lie group actions
- Marine Fontaine
Advanced numerical methods
Advanced topology
Hopf algebras and quantumgroups
- S. Caenepeel
- Joost Vercruysse
Introduction to performance modelling
Knot theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
Multigrid and multiscale solution methods
- Siegfried Cools
Non-commutative algebra
- E. Jespers
Non-commutative geometry
- Boris Shoykhet
Permutation groups and incident geometry
- P. Cara
Quadratic forms
- Karim Johannes Becher
- Shira Gilat
Reconstruction techniques in medical imaging
Representation theory of algebras
- E. Jespers
Simple groups
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Theory and practice of finite elements methods
Applications of differential equations
Mathematical logic
Master's thesis
24 ECTS-credits to be taken in the second year of your programme.
Master's thesis partim I: methodological seminars
Master's thesis partim III: Practical case (1st sem + 2nd sem)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder
2-year Model Path
Teaching component year 1
You follow 31 ECTS-credits.
Concepts in Education 1
Concepts in Education 1
Concepts in Education 2
Concepts in Education 2
Choose 'Teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions'. Choose another teaching methodology from the list below or choose the profiling course STEM.
Teaching methodology biology with practice sessions
- Annie Pinxten
- Johan Rock
- Liesbeth Spithoven
- Sabine Van Roose
Teaching methodology chemistry with practice sessions
Teaching methodology engineering and technology with practice sessions
- Leen Goovaerts
- Wouter Delée
Teaching methodology physics with practice sessions
Teaching methodology computer science with practice sessions
Teaching methodology general subjects for technical and vocational education with practice sessions
- Paul Janssenswillen
- Gytha Burman
- Maarten De Beucker
- Sally Van Agtmael
Teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions
Profiling course with practical exercises: STEM
- Leen Goovaerts
- Annie Pinxten
- Ellen Vandervieren
Choose 'In-school training: completion 1 mathematics'
In-school training: completion 1 biology
- Annie Pinxten
- Liesbeth Spithoven
- Sabine Van Roose
In-school training: completion 1 chemistry
In-school training: completion 1 engineering and technology
- Leen Goovaerts
- Wouter Delée
In-school training: completion 1 physics
In-school training: completion 1 computer science
In-school training: completion 1 mathematics
In-school training: completion 1 general subjects for technical and vocational education
- Paul Janssenswillen
- Gytha Burman
- Maarten De Beucker
- Sally Van Agtmael
Choose the 'in-school training: completion" course of your second teaching methodology. If you did not choose a second teaching methodology you choose "In-school training completion 2 mathematics"
In-school training: completion 2 biology
- Annie Pinxten
- Liesbeth Spithoven
- Sabine Van Roose
In-school training: completion 2 chemistry
In-school training: completion 2 engineering and technology
- Leen Goovaerts
- Wouter Delée
In-school training: completion 2 physics
In-school training: completion 2 computer science
In-school training: completion 2 mathematics
In-school training: completion 2 general subjects for technical and vocational education
- Paul Janssenswillen
- Gytha Burman
- Maarten De Beucker
- Sally Van Agtmael
Teaching component: year 2
"In-school/company training: expertise" is compulsory in the second year.
In-school/company training: expertise
Compulsory stem course for all majors
6 ECTS-credits to be taken in the second year of your programme.
History of science and society
Compulsory Module Mathematics
6 ECTS-credits to be taken in the second year of your programme.
Seminar professional knowledge in mathematics
Electives Mathematics
Choose 18 ECTS-credits from the list below
Actuarial models
Finite difference methods and financial mathematics
Advanced calculation of probability
- Uwe Einmahl
Foundations of mathematics
- Mark Sioen
- Bob Lowen
Homological methods
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Algebraic topology
- Boris Shoykhet
Field Arithmetic
Functional analysis
- Kenny De Commer
Harmonic and Wavelet Analysis
- Ann Dooms
- Kurt Barbé
Numerical Optimisation
Associative algebra
- E. Jespers
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Financial mathematics
- Tetyana Kadankova
Financial mathematics
Choose 30 ECTS-credits from the list below
Algebraic function fields
Algebra Seminar
Algebras with involution
Antwerp Summer University ALGAR: Algebra and Arithmetic
Category theory
- Ana Agore
Hopf algebras and quantumgroups
- S. Caenepeel
- Joost Vercruysse
Knot theory
- Michel Van den Bergh