Preparatory programme
Dutch-taught Master of Sociology
Preparatory programme of 60 ECTS-credits
for academic bachelors and masters in humanities
Methods (39 ECTS-credits)
Qualitative Research Methods
Quantitative Research Methods
Statistics I
Statistics 2
Theory Construction
Introduction to Scientific Work
Research Seminar Sociology
Discipline-specific courses (15 ECTS-credits)
Society, Facts and Problems
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
Contemporary Sociological Theory
Optional courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from list below
Classical Sociological Theory
- Louis Volont
Social Demography
City and Space
Sociology of the Family
Sociology of Organizations
Environmental Sociology
Social Security Law
Preparatory programme of 90 ECTS-credits
Accessible for all other academic bachelors
Methods (39 ECTS-credits)
Research Seminar Sociology
Statistics I
Statistics 2
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
Introduction to Scientific Work
Theory Construction
General courses (36 ECTS-credits)
Sociology of Organizations
Contemporary Sociological Theory
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
- - NNB
Society, Facts and Problems
European Societies
Policy Studies
optional courses (15 ECTS-credits)
Choose from thematic or specific courses in bachelor sociology for 15 ECTS-credits (see list below)
Classical Sociological Theory
- Louis Volont
Social Demography
City and Space
Environmental Sociology
Social Security Law
Sociology of the Family
Preparatory programme of 60 ECTS-credits
for academic bachelors and masters in humanities
Methods (39 ECTS-credits)
Qualitative Research Methods
Quantitative Research Methods
Statistics I
Statistics 2
Theory Construction
Introduction to Scientific Work
Research Seminar Sociology
Discipline-specific courses (15 ECTS-credits)
Society, Facts and Problems
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
Classical Sociological Theory
Contemporary Sociological Theory
Optional courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from list below
Social Demography
City and Space
Sociology of the Family
Sociology of Organizations
Environmental Sociology
Social Security Law
Preparatory programme of 90 ECTS-credits
Accessible for all other academic bachelors
Methods (39 ECTS-credits)
Research Seminar Sociology
Statistics I
Statistics 2
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
Introduction to Scientific Work
Theory Construction
General courses (36 ECTS-credits)
Sociology of Organizations
Contemporary Sociological Theory
Classical Sociological Theory
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
Society, Facts and Problems
European Societies
Policy Studies
optional courses (15 ECTS-credits)
Choose from thematic or specific courses in bachelor sociology for 15 ECTS-credits (see list below)
Social Demography
City and Space
Environmental Sociology
Social Security Law
Sociology of the Family
Model Path
maximum 60 ECTS-credits
Methods (39 ECTS-credits)
Qualitative Research Methods
Quantitative Research Methods
Statistics I
Statistics 2
Theory Construction
- Itamar Shachar
Introduction to Scientific Work
Research Seminar Sociology
Discipline-specific courses (15 ECTS-credits)
Society, Facts and Problems
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
Classical Sociological Theory
Contemporary Sociological Theory
Optional courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from list below
Social Demography
City and Space
Sociology of the Family
Sociology of Organizations
Environmental Sociology
Social Security Law
Voorbereidingsprogramma - 90 studiepunten
Accessible for all other academic bachelors
Methods (39 ECTS-credits)
Research Seminar Sociology
Statistics I
Statistics 2
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
Introduction to Scientific Work
Theory Construction
- Itamar Shachar
General courses (36 ECTS-credits)
Sociology of Organizations
Contemporary Sociological Theory
Classical Sociological Theory
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
Society, Facts and Problems
European Societies
'Societies: Facts and Challenges'
Policy Studies
optional courses (15 ECTS-credits)
Choose from thematic or specific courses in bachelor sociology for 15 ECTS-credits (see list below)
Social Demography
City and Space
Environmental Sociology
Social Security Law
Sociology of the Family
Model Path
maximum 60 ECTS-credits
Methods (39 ECTS-credits)
Qualitative Research Methods
Quantitative Research Methods
Statistics I
Statistics 2
Theory Construction
Introduction to Scientific Work
Research seminar sociology
Discipline-specific courses (15 ECTS-credits)
Society, facts and problems
Sociology of inequalities: class, gender, ethnicity
Classical Sociological Theory
Contemporary sociological theory
Optional courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from list below
Social demography
City and Space
Sociology of the Family
Sociology of Labour
Sociology of Organizations
Environmental Sociology
Social Security law
Voorbereidingsprogramma - 90 studiepunten
Accessible for all other academic bachelors
Methods (39 ECTS-credits)
Research seminar sociology
Statistics I
Statistics 2
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
Introduction to Scientific Work
Theory Construction
General courses (36 ECTS-credits)
Sociology of Organizations
Contemporary sociological theory
Classical Sociological Theory
Sociology of inequalities: class, gender, ethnicity
Society, facts and problems
European Societies
Policy studies
optional courses (15 ECTS-credits)
Choose from thematic or specific courses in bachelor sociology for 15 ECTS-credits (see list below)
Social demography
Sociology of Labour
City and Space
Environmental Sociology
Social Security law
Sociology of the Family
Model Path
maximum 60 ECTS-credits
Methods (39 ECTS-credits)
Qualitative Research Methods
Quantitative Research Methods
Statistics I
Statistics 2
Theory construction
Introduction to Scientific Work
Research seminar sociology
Discipline-specific courses (15 ECTS-credits)
Society, facts and problems
Sociology of inequalities: class, gender, ethnicity
Classical Sociological Theory
Contemporary sociological theory
Optional courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from list below
Social demography
City and Space
- Ilse Loots
- Clemens de Olde
Sociology of the Family
Sociology of Labour
- Nele Cannaerts
- Erik Henderickx
- Annelies Haaren
Sociology of Organizations
Sociology of Environment
Social Security law
Voorbereidingsprogramma - 90 studiepunten
Accessible for all other professional bachelors
Methods (39 ECTS-credits)
Research seminar sociology
Statistics I
Statistics 2
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
Introduction to Scientific Work
Theory construction
General courses (36 ECTS-credits)
Sociology of Organizations
Contemporary sociological theory
Classical Sociological Theory
Sociology of inequalities: class, gender, ethnicity
Society, facts and problems
European Societies
Policy studies
optional courses (15 ECTS-credits)
Choose from thematic or specific courses in bachelor sociology for 15 ECTS-credits (see list below)
Social demography
Sociology of Labour
- Nele Cannaerts
- Erik Henderickx
- Annelies Haaren
City and Space
- Ilse Loots
- Clemens de Olde
Sociology of Environment
Social Security law
Sociology of the Family
Model Path
maximum 60 ECTS-credits
Methods (39 ECTS-credits)
Qualitative Research Methods
Quantitative Research Methods
Statistics I
Statistics 2
Theory construction
Introduction to Scientific Work
Research seminar sociology
Discipline-specific courses (15 ECTS-credits)
Society, facts and problems
Sociology of inequalities: class, gender, ethnicity
Classical Sociological Theory
Contemporary sociological theory
Optional courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from list below
Social demography
City and Space
- Ilse Loots
- Clemens de Olde
Sociology of the Family
Sociology of Labour
- Nele Cannaerts
- Erik Henderickx
- Annelies Haaren
Sociology of Organizations
Sociology of Environment
Social Security law
Research seminar sociology
Statistics I
Statistics 2
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
Introduction to Scientific Work
Theory construction
Sociology of Organizations
Contemporary sociological theory
Classical Sociological Theory
Sociology of inequalities: class, gender, ethnicity
Society, facts and problems
European Societies
Policy studies
Social demography
Sociology of Labour
- Nele Cannaerts
- Erik Henderickx
- Annelies Haaren
City and Space
- Ilse Loots
- Clemens de Olde