The CMR in the practice of Latvian courts

Uniform law review - ISSN 1124-3694-25:1 (2020) p. 168-201

Free movement of companies after the Polbud case

European business organization law review - ISSN 1566-7529- () p. 1-20

The development of private international law in the European Union : a study on the contribution of art. 81 TFEU and the CJEU's case law on the free movement of companies and Union citizens to a specific identity for EU conflict of laws

Antwerp, University of Antwerp, 2019,712 p.

The curious evolution of ECJ's case-law on personal names: beyond the recognition of decisions

Nederlands internationaal privaatrecht - ISSN 0167-7594-36:4 (2018) p. 725-739

Contradictions and ambiguities in ECJ Case-Law on free movement of companies

Nederlands internationaal privaatrecht - ISSN 0167-7594-36 (2018) p. 526-540