Krachtlijnen van het nieuwe Strafwetboek
Nexus Lecture - Webinar
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Nexus Lecture - Webinar
Celebrating James Ensor’s Modernity. New Perspectives
Internationaal Symposium
New Family Formations? Enslaved children’s relationships in 18th Century Cape Town (Eva Lehner)
Lunch seminar by the Centre for Political History
Stil maar, wacht maar. Alles wordt nieuw.
Unlocking the T cell receptor repertoire for personalized cancer immunotherapies
Doctoraatsverdediging Sofie Gielis - Departement Informatica
Framing French Consumers into Citizens: A comparative discourse analysis of debates on luxury and consumption in French parliament and the press in the Age of Revolution (1789-1848)
Doctoraatsverdediging Charris De Smet (Departement Geschiedenis)
Product liability in Vietnam: a comparative study from EU and US perspective.
PhD defence Phuc Nguyen Huu - Faculty of Law
Merging conceptual and computational history to study the transnational evolution of parliamentary democracy
Seminar by the Centre for Political History
Organizational Engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Insights in a Public Sector Context
PhD defence Björn Mestdagh (Department of Management)
Methylation Biomarkers for Pleural Mesothelioma: From Epigenetic Landscape Analysis to Diagnostic Assay Development
PhD defence - Janah Vandenhoeck - Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Kerst op UAntwerpen
Campus Groenenborger, Campus Middelheim en Campus Drie Eiken
Dagboeken onthullen joods (over)leven op straat in nazi-Duitsland
Spectrumlezing door Annelies Augustyns (joodse studies)
Ontwikkeling van spoiled gradiënt echo sequenties voor MRI-relaxometrie
Doctoraatsverdediging Marco Andrea Zampini - Departement Biomedische Wetenschappen
The interaction of pre- and postnatal obesogenic environments in affecting daughter’s metabolic health and oocyte quality: fundamental insights for sustainable advice
PhD defence Inne Xhonneux - Department Veterinary Sciences
Association between HIV integrase strand transfer inhibitor use and type 2 diabetes mellitus
PhD defence Frank Mulindwa - Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Tijdens de oorlog was ik Solange
Lezing door Sofie De Schampheleire (copywriter en podcastmaker)
Online symposium | Gespecialiseerd verpleegkundigen in farmaceutische zorg
Tijdens dit symposium laten we verschillende verpleegkundig specialisten uit het werkveld aan het woord, met specifieke aandacht voor de rol die zij opnemen in farmaceutische zorg.
2nd NuPhaC Winter Conference 2024
Fiscale implicaties bij alimentatie, mag het nog wat complexer?
Permanente vorming bemiddeling
Connecting the Docs: De kloof overbruggen tussen digitale archieven en kritische edities
Doctoraatsverdediging Felix Hermans (Departement Letterkunde)
Municipal green bonds: climate finance amidst climate injustices
PhD defence Héctor Herrera
Wage differentials, economic shocks and government wage regulation – a gender based emperical analysis of labour market outcomes in Canada
PhD defence Patrick Ndlovu (Department of Economics)
Elucidation of the clinical relevance and potential mechanisms of persistence in Streptococcus pneumoniae
Public defense Nele Geerts - Department Pharmaceutical Sciences
LeesMij/ReadMe: Sheena Patel - "I'm a Fan"
Book club by PhD students Literature