Krachtlijnen van het nieuwe Strafwetboek
Nexus Lecture - Webinar
Art x Research x City
ARIA's month for Research in the Arts | 16 October - 7 November 2024
Update huurrecht
Nexus Lecture - Webinar
Actualia gerechtelijk recht
Webinar Nexus Library
Grensoverschrijdende betekening en bewijsvoering
Webinar Nexus Library
Universiteit gesloten
1-2 november 2024: Allerheiligen en brugdag
Female Options: Slavery, Marriage and Women's Social Mobility in Eastern Congo (Margot Luyckfasseel)
Lunch seminar by the Centre for Urban History and the Centre for Political History
Noble Gases and Water Under Confinement in Graphenic Nanostructures: From Material Behavior to Interfacial Thermodynamics
Doctoraatsverdediging Fahim Faraji - Departement Fysica
Matching anatomy – Objective measures for patient-individualized cochlear implantation
PhD defence Nora Weiss - Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Herstelgericht handelen met leerlingen: groeikansen voor de hele school
Tweedaags traject voor leerlingenbegeleiders, coördinatoren, leerkrachten secundair onderwijs, georganiseerd door Centrum Nascholing Onderwijs
Kom bloed doneren op de Stadscampus of Campus Drie Eiken
Bioactivation of human proteratogens in the zebrafish embryo model, a new approach method (NAM) for developmental toxicity assessment
PhD defence Chloé Bars - Department Veterinary Sciences
Wat blijft! - Intergenerationeel trauma bij collectief geweld
Lezing door Christophe Busch
Active sound localisation through Bayesian inference
Doctoraatsverdediging Glen McLachlan - Departement Informatica
Workshop lasersnijden voor beginners
Neem deel en zie hoe jouw ontwerp in hout tot leven komt!
Preparing students to collaborate interprofessionally through interprofessional education
PhD defence Huyen Thi Thanh Nguyen - Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Googling ‘Inflation’: What does Internet Search Behaviour Reveal about Household (In)attention to Inflation and Monetary Policy
Research seminar Department of Economics by Christian Buelens
Mechanisms of metabolism disruption across different life stages of the zebrafish: exploring the role of paraoxonase 1 in metabolic pathways
PhD defence Rik van den Boom - Department Veterinary Sciences
30 miljoen jaar: kunst, ecologie en duurzaamheid
ARIA seminarie georganiseerd door De Nieuwe Opdrachtgevers
Waarheen Amerika?
Spectrumlezing door Frank Albers (toegepaste taalkunde)
Plasma chemistry modelling for the conversion of CO2 and CH4 into value-added chemicals under atmospheric pressure plasma conditions
Doctoraatsverdediging Joachim Slaets - Departement Chemie
Universiteit gesloten
9-11 november 2024: Wapenstilstand en brugdag
EU Cross-Border Cooperation: Stakeholders' Mobilisation and Funding Acquisition
PhD defence Marsida Bandilli (Department of Political Science)
Openingslezing Klimaatweek door Hans Bruyninckx
Leer de ins & outs van de COP
Managing the Powers of Digital Platforms through Platform Law, Contract Law and Consumer Law.
PhD defence Feyisayo Lari-Williams - Faculty of Law