Antwerp Winter University
3 - 14 February 2025
Food Systems Law and Policy
A deep dive into the world of food actors, interests and decision-making.
From Mine to Finger. A deep dive into the world of Diamonds
3-13 February 2025 | Antwerp Winter University
Winter School on Reaserching Open Innovation
10-14 February 2025 | Antwerp Winter University
IDW 2025 | International Design Workshop Week
10 - 14 February 2025 | Antwerp Winter University
R workshop
StatUa course
Marine bacteria in sea spray aerosols and their potential immunological effects on human health
Doctoraatsverdediging Yunmeng Li - Departement Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen
SID-in Genk
13 - 15 februari 2025: UAntwerpen is van de partij op de SID-in in Limburg.
Inter-organizational network ties and participation in a financial transparency certification program – An empirical study based on Belgian nonprofits
Research seminar Department Accountancy and Finance by Chenlin Guo (KULeuven)
Board Interlocks in Nonprofit Organizations
Research seminar Department of Accountancy and Finance by Evert Van Look (Universiteit Antwerpen)
Transparantie van de cassatieprocedure
Kennis en spektakel op de kermis
Spectrumlezing door Nele Wynants | kunst- en theaterwetenschappen
Kennis en spektakel op de kermis
Spectrumlezing Nele Wynants
Learn to lead - together! The effectivity of professional development trajectories for school leaders: opportunities and challenges for sustainable professional development and school development
PhD defence Els Tanghe (ASoE)
The role of medical devices in airway clearance for chronic respiratory patients: steps towards implementation in primary care
PhD defence Glenn Leemans - Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Werken aan een cultuur van breed evalueren met het hele team
Tweedaags traject voor directie, middenkader en leerlingenbegeleiders s.o., georganiseerd door Centrum Nascholing Onderwijs
Hoe zou het Antwerps liedboek vandaag klinken?
Ontdek de installatie
Het logementshuis en de stad: Migranten accommoderen in stedelijke ruimte, Antwerpen, 1850-1914
Doctoraatsverdediging Jasper Segerink (Departement Geschiedenis)
Macroeconomic Policy, Household Heterogeneity, and the Labor Market
PhD defence Babette Jansen (Department of Economics)
Online trainingsessie “How to Publish with Oxford Journals”
Met handige informatie over publiceren in het algemeen
Exploring Fibroblast Activation Protein (FAP) in the tumor microenvironment and Crohn’s disease using novel FAP-selective tools and methods
Public defence Yentl Van Rymenant - Department Pharmaceutical Sciences
Microvascular Dysfunction in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease and the Effect of Exercise Training
PhD defence Inne Vanreusel - Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Studiekeuzemarkt Avans Hogeschool
's-Hertogenbosch, Nederland
Nocturne in de kathedraal
Kom je gratis verwarmen aan een avondvullend programma
Werkgeversgezag en controlerecht na de Wet Private Opsporing
VVA studieavond