Les présidents sont-ils de bons modèles pour l'adoption de la vaccination ? Une étude menée en RDC fournit la réponse
The Conversation- (2024.06.18) p.
Are presidents good role models for vaccination uptake? DRC study shows only if they’re trusted, and people get to know about it
The Conversation- (2024.06.12) p.
Replication Data for: Presidents and Vaccines. Head of state inoculation as a tool for vaccine promotion
Harvard Dataverse, 2024,
Presidents and vaccines : head of state inoculation as a tool for vaccine promotion
Frontiers in Public Health - ISSN 2296-2565-12 (2024) p. 1-14
Leadership styles and small enterprises' performance : is gender an issue? Empirical study from Democratic Republic of Congo
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies - ISSN 2393-9575-8:1 (2022) p. 60-82