Which factors influence a business model change due to a change in feed composition and how can they be studied? A case study on the applicability of a theoretical guide to study business model change in agriculture
Journal of agriculture and food research - ISSN 2666-1543-19 (2025) p. 1-15
Factors to scale out innovative organic farming systems : a case study in Flanders region, Belgium
Agricultural systems - ISSN 0308-521X-224 (2025) p. 1-13
Factors influencing business model change : a case study for the European crop protection industry
British food journal - ISSN 0007-070X-126:13 (2024) p. 643-657
Sustainability transitions in agri-food systems through the lens of agent-based modeling : a systematic review
Sustainability science - ISSN 1862-4065-19:6 (2024) p. 2101-2118
Development and validation of an instrument to measure the vision of European agricultural advisors towards innovation
The journal of agricultural education and extension. - ISSN 1389-224X-30:5 (2024) p. 775-796