Direct reconstruction of wet foam from sparse-view, dynamic X-Ray CT scans
Advanced engineering materials - ISSN 1438-1656- (2024) p.
Ensuring Flawlessness in Additive Manufacturing : Advances in X-ray Inspection Techniques for Efficient Defect Detection
Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Science, 2024,151 p.
Imaging algorithm and optimal measurement protocol for 3-D impedance tomography on 2-D high-density microelectrode array
IEEE sensors journal - ISSN 1530-437X-24:15 (2024) p. 24452-24465
PACS : Projection-driven with Adaptive CADs X-ray Scatter compensation for additive manufacturing inspection
Precision engineering - ISSN 0141-6359-90 (2024) p. 108-121
Improved 4DCT reconstruction algorithms for the imaging of foam microstructure formation
Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Science, 2024,128 p.