Applied Engineering

Change of deans

Change of deans

On 1 September 2020, dean Walter Sevenhans will pass on the torch to Professor Tom Breugelmans. Naturally, a change of dean requires a retrospective and a look forward. 

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Retrospective by dean Walter Sevenhans - Nothing as constant as change

Before the faculty

Since my start in higher education, decretal changes have been issued with great impact on our daily work. The first came in 1994 with the compulsory merger of more than 126 higher education colleges to 24. Besides education, research and services were added to our tasks, but without additional resources. Competitive research projects were created, the so-called Hobu projects, which are now transformed into Tetra projects. In 2003, the Structure Decree came into force in which the formation of associations (cf. AUHA), the bachelor-master reform and the academisation were stipulated. The resources that came with these reforms, grew steadily but remained limited. Until then, I taught general and solid state physics, thermodynamics and statistics. Also in 2003, I was appointed head of the department. Slowly but surely the research developed.

The Association Faculty AE

In 2010, former minister Pascal Smet settled the social debate with the so-called "Tilting In Memorandum", which stated that the master's degree programs of the colleges would move (“tilt in”) to the university in 2013. At that time, the departments of the Antwerp colleges of higher education joined forces and worked together very constructively under the name Association Faculty of Applied Engineering. Amaryllis Audenaert, Walter Daems and I then formed the Executive Board, Serge Tavernier and Tom Breugelmans developed the research policy. Staff and students of the two colleges were merged in 2012, as well as movable infrastructure.


On 1 October 2013 the association faculty was integrated into the University of Antwerp. The Executive Board of the university appointed myself as dean, Tom and Walter as vice deans and Nele as faculty director. The move to the Groenenborger campus took place from 2016 with the commissioning of the brand new building Z and a number of floors in buildings V and U, and a considerable amount of money was made available for new scientific equipment. It was a clear signal that our university was very sympathetic to us and invested heavily in our programmes. A number of staff members were given university status, and a large group chose to continue working under the college status. For them, the faculty’s aim was to have them treated as equally as possible. Gradually, the renewed curriculum was introduced, our own doctorate in applied engineering became a fact, the external research resources, the research output, the ZAP framework grew and the collaboration with other faculties became more intense, ... In short, we gradually took our place in the university. I write explicitly "we" since this enormous achievement was a very strong example of group dynamics where everyone was aware of the opportunities that arose.

We all did a great job together. Are we there yet? Certainly not, the ambitions will be higher and higher and the context will constantly change.  I wish you and team Tom a very happy and successful future.



A look forward by dean Tom Breugelmans

Dear colleagues

A word from the new dean... Although it seemed obvious to many colleagues that I would be standing as a dean, for me it was something of which I always thought “we'll see about that later...”. And then suddenly, it is later. Procrastination at its best…

And what does that mean for the faculty? Well, I suspect we are in for a slight change. Let’s face it, we are a bit spoiled. In recent years we have had a great dean, one who has put all his time and energy into putting our faculty on track. A dean who has strengthened our position within the university by building a broad network in which he has always been able to showcase our identity and quality. And he has done so brilliantly. Thank you, Walter! I promise you that I will try to continue this with the same élan. As vice dean, I have learned a lot from Walter, and I hope I can contribute to the further growth of our faculty.

A slight change, because as a dean I will keep my research up to date and do not want to relinquish my teaching activities. After all, the contact with our students gives me energy. In short, I will have to divide my time somewhat differently. Fortunately, I can count on a strong team. Of course I can count on my two vice deans, but I can also count on a lot of other colleagues who will put their shoulders to the wheel when it comes to services within TI. And last but not least, a fantastic ‘decanaat’! Only through a good division of tasks and close cooperation among all of us will I succeed in bringing this challenge to a successful conclusion.

Finally, I would like to stress that I see our faculty as a great close-knit and strong team and that I consider it a privilege to be your dean. Nevertheless, no doubt, I will make a mistake at some point or have insights that you may find uninhibited. There may be elements in a dossier that I overlook. Or the real context may be a bit more nuanced. This brings me straight to the essence of this message.  I hope you will remember that I am always open to comments and always available for questions or suggestions. Only an open dialogue can provide solutions. You can always mail or call me (also on my mobile phone) – I will in any case enjoy it when you think along with me to come to supported solutions.




PS: And no, I did not forget to write something about the corona problem, let us not think about that for a moment!


Contact details Tom Breugelmans: tel. 03 265 2370 – – appointment via the dean’s secretary Sylvie Timé (tel. 03 265 1762 –