Teaching tips

What digital learning resources can you implement as a lecturer to make your learning environment more powerful?

Laptops and smartphones in the lecture hall: part 2. How can you deal with this?

​The previous teaching tip covered a number of arguments about whether or not to ban laptops and smartphones in your learning environment. We will now build on this and discuss different ways of dealing with them.

(April 2019)

Laptops and smartphones in the lecture hall

It is often difficult for lecturers to decide how to handle laptops and smartphones in class. In this tip, we provide some elements to consider.

(March 2019)

The document camera..? The overhead projector 2.0!

Your classroom may have one of those weird red desk lamps with lots of coloured buttons. We would like to give you some inspiration and concrete examples of how to use such a document camera.

(February 2019)

Effective presentations as lesson support

Lecturers often use a multimedia presentation to support their lesson. How do you ensure that a presentation contributes to the learning goals and learning outcomes as much as possible?

(April 2018)

How do you make a screencast effective and enjoyable?

What visual aspects can you consider when creating a screencast? How can you make the lecturer's presence as tangible as possible? And how can you keep students interested while they watch? In this tip, we take a closer look at these and other screencast issues.

(April 2017)

Screening the 'screencast': a didactic look at screencasts

​Often, when working with screencasts, people start from the technicalities. However, the most important guideline when working with screencasts is that the didactic puzzle has to be right. This means first and foremost considering the screencast's place within your learning environment. In this tip we look at some guiding questions to get you started.

(February 2017)