Overview of ESR projects:

Name: Emanoel Sabidussi
Topic: Integrated motion estimation for Q-MRI.
Host: Erasmus MC (supervisor: D. Poot)
Video ESR1

Name: Michele Nicastro
Topic: SRR technology for direct estimation of Q-MRI parameter maps.
Host: University of Antwerp (supervisor: J. Sijbers)
Video ESR2

Name: Marco Zampini
Topic: SRR technologies to enable accelerated preclinical quantitative MRI at 3T and 4.7T.
Host: MR Solutions (supervisor: D. Taylor/R.Garipov)
Video ESR3

Name: Riwaj Byanju
Topic: Optimal parameter estimation from intra-scan modulated MR data.
Host: Erasmus MC (supervisor: S. Klein)
Video ESR4

Name:Banafshe Shafieizargar
Topic: Intra-scan modulation acquisition to shorten acquisition of dMRI.
Host: University of Antwerp (supervisor: A.J. den Dekker).
Video ESR5

Name: Shokoufeh Golshani
Topic: Parallel transmission/reception and simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) techniques for dMRI.
Host: University of Leeds (supervisor: A. Frangi)
Video will be uploaded later.

Name: Dimitris Tryfonopoulos
Topic: Next generation MRI sequences to enable accelerated Q-MRI.
Host: MR Solutions (supervisor: D. Taylor/R.Garipov)
Video will be uploaded later.

Name: Seon Yeong Shin
Topic: Novel sequences for accelerated Q-MRI optimised by JEMRIS simulations.
Host: Jülich Forschungszentrum (supervisor: J. Shah)
Video ESR8

Name: Mojtaba Lashgari
Topic: Characterization of brain tissue structure and vasculature using dMRI.
Host: University of Leeds (supervisor: A. Frangi)
Video will be uploaded later.

Name: Roberto Paolella
Topic: Standardisation of brain MRI diffusion parameter maps for multi-centre studies.
Host: Icometrix (supervisor: T.Billiet)
Video ESR10

Name: Céline Smekens
Topic: Bridging the gap between research and clinical application for Q-MRI using Syngo.via Frontier.
Host: Siemens Healthineers (supervisor: T. Janssens)
Video ESR11

Name: Maira Pinto
Topic: Exploring dMRI and susceptibility mapping in the setting of traumatic brain injury.
Host: Antwerp University Hospital (supervisor: Prof. P. Van Dyck)
Video ESR12

Name: Vincenzo Anania
Topic: Robust quantification of diffusion kurtosis parameters.
Host: Icometrix (supervisor: T.Billiet)
Video ESR13

Name: Dennis Thomas
Topic: A translational approach to quantify water pools as biomarker of the damaged brain.
Host: Jülich Forschungszentrum (supervisor: A-M Oros-Peusquens)
Video ESR14

Name: María Postigo Fliquete
Topic: Objective and automated quantitative imaging biomarker extraction from Q-MRI data.
Host: Quantib (supervisor: J.Glastra en A. Van Engelen)
Video will be uploaded later.

Previous ESR15
Name: Ester Jiménez Arroyo
Topic: Objective and automated quantitative imaging biomarker extraction from Q-MRI data.
Host: Quantib (supervisor: J.Glastra)

André Silva will forever remain in our heart.