On this page you will find information about the policies and initiatives that UAntwerp has in place to promote the inclusion of sexual orientation and gender diversity. 

1. Policy  

As an active pluralistic institution, the University of Antwerp values diversity. We want to be an inclusive community where all students and staff feel at home, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Discrimination in any form is not acceptable and should not be tolerated.  

We include gender diversity and sexual orientation both implicitly and explicitly in our diversity policy. This has been done both in the Diversity Action Plan for Students and in the Diversity Action Plan for Staff.

"Increasing students' sense of belonging and teachers' expectations is essential for all students, especially those who are LGBT, ..." (Fenaughty, 2019). 

2. LGBTQI+ networks at UAntwerp  

2.1. LGBTQI+ Network  

The LGBTQI+ Network is a dynamic network of staff and students, both LGBTQI+ individuals and 'straight allies', who make policy from the bottom up, develop and support actions, and campaigns and raise awareness for LGBTQI+ issues. In this way, we aim to make our university an inclusive environment where everyone feels at home. The network met for the first time in April 2019, and meets two to three times a year.  

Want to find out about activities or get involved? Join the LGBTQI+ network by sending an email to LGTBQ+@uantwerpen.be.  

2.2. QueerTrans@UA / Social and action group   

QueerTrans@UA is a group of queer and trans staff, researchers and students at Uantwerpen. QT@UA, meets on a monthly basis for a fun social activity or an action meeting in which they work towards a more inclusive university policy. Everybody is welcome to brainstorm and organise! Follow QT@UA on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated. 

2.3. LGBTQI+ Forum  

This forum consists of a network of researchers and staff from various civil society organisations who work on sexual and gender diversity.  

Read more about this on their website (Dutch).​

2.4. A* Network - the Antwerp Gender and Sexuality Studies Network A*.  

The A* Network is a research network that aims to gather and make visible research and expertise on gender and sexuality at the University of Antwerp.  

If you are a researcher at the University of Antwerp in the field of gender and sexuality, you are welcome to join the network. Interested? Check out their website and get involved.

2.5. The Flamingos   

The Flamingos is the only LGTBQI+ student club in Antwerp 

3. Campaigns and activities  

3.1. Antwerp Pride (August 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023).  

Since 2018, UAntwerp participates in the Antwerp Pride with a personalised float and live DJ.  

Read more about UAntwerp's participation at the Antwerp Pride

3.2. IDAHOT  

The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Intersex Hate (IDAHOT) is held on 17 May. On this day, annual initiatives are organized all over the world to draw attention to the rights and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, queer and intersex people.  

Have a look at some of the activities we have organised in the past for IDAHOT since 2020.

4. Initiatives for a more LGBTQI+ inclusive university  

The University of Antwerp aims to be inclusive for all. In doing so, we take into account the specific hurdles that certain (groups of) people experience at our institution. The following inclusive initiatives explicitly address LGBTQI+ diversity: 

Tools for inclusive communication

UAntwerpen believes that diversity-sensitive and inclusive communication is important. Gender and LGBTQI+ inclusive communication is part of this. Have a look at the 'Diversity Glossary', 'Diversity & Inclusive Communication and Action Reflection Tool' and 'Gender Inclusive Communication Fact Sheets'.   

Gender affirmation support

The University of Antwerp supports transgender people and their university environment in transitioning, both administratively and socially. This website contains information designed to support both the transgender people and their supervisors, colleagues or peers. 

Inclusive bathrooms

UAntwerp is introducing gender-inclusive toilets.