The role of equity resources in early internationalizing firms: a literature review

Marien, N., & Paeleman, I. (2022). The Role of Equity Resources in Early Internationalizing Firms: A Literature Review. Megatrends in International Business, 63-82.​

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Green innovation in the Latin American agri-food industry: understanding the influence of family involvement and business practices

Muller, C. G., Canale, F., & Discua Cruz, A. (2022). Green innovation in the Latin American agri-food industry: understanding the influence of family involvement and business practices. British Food Journal124(7), 2209-2238.

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Equity crowdfunding, market timing, and firm capital structure

Cerpentier, M., Vanacker, T., Paeleman, I., & Bringmann, K. (2022). Equity crowdfunding, market timing, and firm capital structure. The Journal of Technology Transfer47(6), 1766-1793.

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Small-firm growth-enabling capabilities: A framework for young technology-based firms.

Atzmon, M., Vanderstraeten, J., & Albers, S. (2022). Small-firm growth-enabling capabilities: A framework for young technology-based firms. Technovation117

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From explanation of the past to prediction of the future: A comparative and predictive research design in the Social Sciences.

van Witteloostuijn, A., Vanderstraeten, J., Slabbinck, H., Dejardin, M., Hermans, J., & Coreynen, W. (2022). From explanation of the past to prediction of the future: A comparative and predictive research design in the Social Sciences. Social Sciences & Humanities Open6(1). 

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A systematic literature review on SME internationalization: a personality lens. Management Review Quarterly.

Munteanu, D. R., Vanderstraeten, J., van Witteloostuijn, A., & Cambré, B. (2022). A systematic literature review on SME internationalization: a personality lens. Management Review Quarterly. 

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The power of the business incubator manager’s profile in service offering and startup survival and growth.

van der Kwast, B., Vanderstraeten, J., & Mondelaers, B. (2022). The power of the business incubator manager’s profile in service offering and startup survival and growth. Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, 135–166.

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Ondernemingszin en ondernemerschap aan de Universiteit Antwerpen.

Vanderstraeten, J., Kleijnen, F., & Phan, T. T. (2022). Ondernemingszin en ondernemerschap aan de Universiteit Antwerpen. Universiteit Antwerpen.

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Rapport student ondernemerschap : FBE student-ondernemers.

Vanderstraeten, J., Kleijnen, F. (2022). Rapport student ondernemerschap : FBE student-ondernemers. Universiteit Antwerpen.

A systematic literature review on SME internationalization: a personality lens

Dorinela Munteanu, Johanna Vanderstraeten, Arjen van Witteloostuijn, Bart Cambré (2022): A systematic literature review on SME internationalization: a personality lens, Management Review Quarterly, DOI: 10.1007/s11301-022-00279-4 

A constitutive view on entrepreneurship through acquisition : towards a conceptual framework

Vanoorbeek Hans, Laveren Eddy [Promotor], Meuleman Miguel [Promotor], A constitutive view on entrepreneurship through acquisition : towards a conceptual framework, Antwerp, Antwerp Management School, 2022, xxi, 315 p.