Developing new pop-up habitats by means of computational design and robotic production

Promotors: Mario Rinke, Henriette Bier

This research seeks to develop new enveloping models for pop-up habitats by computationallydesigning and robotically producing and operating structures that meet user requirements withinspecific contexts. The study will focus first on a case study in the Middle East, with the goal ofidentifying requirements and expanding the scope towards including Mars as the second location. It will build up on Design-to-Robotic-Production-Assembly and -Operation (D2RPA&O) [1] and materialscience [2] and structural engineering research [3] developed at TU Delft and UAntwerp in order torespond to post-disaster and emergency challenges and future habitations on Mars.

A key deliverable of this research is a novel design methodology which entails:

(i) design criteria as an input in order to meet the requirements for robotic production andassembly, thus it requires material science and innovation as well as intertwinedstructural design and mechanics knowledge;

(ii) process and approach as development measures from design to manufacture, assemblyand use;

(iii) design, materiality and structural performance evaluation.

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