Spatial Porosity of Building Structures
Promotors: Mario Rinke
Partners: Johan Blom
Funder: Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)
This project aims at laying the scientific foundation for the design and evaluation of longer lasting and more adaptable building structures.The harmfull effects of the building industry on our environment pose an increasing pressure on the development of more sustainable practices of construction. One way to significantly reduce our impact on the environment is to re-use existing building structures. Yet today, buildings are evaluated only on their initial functional demands. Being tailor-fit to their initial use, this leaves many recent buildings unable to adapt to changing functional needs, causing them to become vacant far before they reach their end of life.Countering this tendency, this project aims at constructing a scientific framework for the evaluation of buildings based on their ability to meet changing use. The project focusses on the building structure as this can be considered buildings most permanent layer and holds the vast majority of its embodied carbon. Describing the buildings structure as a porous mass, it aims at quantifying how the buildings most permanent layers allow changing use.

Diagram showing the reconversion of the Anton Building in Eindhoven by Diederendirrix Architectuur en Stedenbouw.
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