On 28 June 2013, the Flemish government approved a grant to support young researchers (“subsidie Omkadering Jonge Onderzoekers” - OJO). Within the framework of this grant, the Antwerp Doctoral School launches a call (OJO call) every autumn, via e-mail, to all researchers affiliated with the University of Antwerp to submit proposals for initiatives that address training needs and support of young researchers. The OJO call is tied to the calendar year. Funding applications can be submitted for activities that take place between 1 January and 31 December of the following calendar year. The term ‘young researchers’ refers to PhD researchers and postdoctoral researchers.

Proposals can be submitted in the following categories:

  1. Interuniversity initiatives: the organisation of group activities by UAntwerp and at least two other Flemish universities, aimed at training young researchers (e.g. interuniversity symposia, summer schools, colloquia, workshops, …);
  2. Domain-specific training: the organisation of interactive training for young researchers with the aim to deepen their domain-specific and/or methodological knowledge and skills (e.g. interactive courses, workshops, …);
  3. Initiatives focused on career development: the organisation of initiatives aimed at facilitating and supporting the transition of young researchers to the non-academic job market (e.g. events where young researchers meet with stakeholders from industry and/or other professional sectors, events where young researchers are informed about the expectations in the non-academic job market, workshops that offer career advice from professionals, …);
  4. Faculty initiatives: the organisation of broad faculty or departmental group activities for young researchers (e.g. welcome days, faculty doctoral days, …).

Applicants are encouraged to, if possible, collaborate with partners from the YUFE alliance. This collaboration can take various forms, e.g. the activity is organised in collaboration with one of the YUFE partners or the activity is open to young researchers from YUFE institutions.

Take into account that the budget of an OJO subsidy is not immediately available. Costs can only be paid or reimbursed after receipt and approval of the completely and correctly filled out electronic report form of the activity, in other words only after the activity has taken place. Costs that need to be paid earlier have to be placed temporarily on another budget with the mixed use VAT system, or have to be advanced personally. This applies to all costs.

The OJO subsidy is a subsidy of the Flemish government. They ask for detailed information regarding each activity to account for the spent budget. This is why it is very important to submit all the required information correctly after the activity has taken place and why the budget can only be made available after submission of this information.

For additional information regarding the target group, the conditions which a proposed activity must meet, the evaluation (criteria), the budget and the timing, please contact OJOcall@uantwerp.be.