Opportunities for internationalisation: conferences, courses research stays abroad
We encourage our postdoctoral researchers to seek out international collaboration and to play active, prominent roles in the worldwide research community by means of scientific publications, science communication and research projects. Explore which opportunities for internationalisation might be available to you.
Opportunities and support for international postdoctoral researchers
Are you an international postdoctoral researcher working at UAntwerp? Or do you live outside of Belgium and consider a postdoctoral position at UAntwerp? Then you can receive advice and information about coming to Antwerp from the International Staff Office. As an international postdoc, you can also participate in MONDO’s social activities for international staff, students and their family members.
Do you want to recruit an international postdoctoral researcher as a supervisor? You can consult information about hiring international staff and the several migration formalities here (Pintra login). Make sure to also to check out further general information for supervisors.
International University Networks
The University of Antwerp actively participates in the following International University Networks to foster international collaboration:
- Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE)
- Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN)
- Utrecht Network
- European University Association (EUA)
- Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE Europe)
More information can be found on the Pintra page International University Networks (after login).