Bridging programme
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Literary Theory
General fundamental and discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Western Philosophy
Literary Theory 1
Multilingual and Intercultural Communication
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
Specific fundamental and discipline-related courses
Depending on chosen master programme
Language Processing by People and Machines
Literary Theory 2
Compulsory courses
Dutch Proficiency 1: Basic Skills in Speaking and Writing
Dutch Proficiency 2: Academic Writing and Presenting
Dutch Proficiency 3: Journalistic Writing
Dutch Linguistics 1: Phonetics, Phonology and Syntax
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic Perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: Diachronic Perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
History of Dutch Literature 1: from the Start until the French Revolution
History of Dutch-language Literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
History of Dutch-language Literature 3: from the Great War until the Present Day
Dutch Studies in Practice
Compulsory courses
English Grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English Grammar 3: the Complex Sentence
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
Introduction to British and American Culture
English Linguistics: Englishes Old and New
Compulsory courses
Grammaire française
French Proficiency and Culture 1: Oral and Writing Proficiency
French Proficiency 2: Grammar
French Proficieny 2: Oral and Written Proficiency
French Proficiency 3
French Literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French Literature 2: French and French-language Literature from the 19th Century until Today
French Literature 3: Genres and Texts
French Linguistics 1: Linguistics of Contemporary French
French Linguistics 1: History of French
French Linguistics 2: Seman. & Pragm. Analysis of Lexical Items, Synchronic & Diachronic Approaches
French Linguistics 3
Culture française, nation et globalisation
Compulsory courses
Learning to Read German: Language, Literature and History
Deutsche Sprachbeherrschung 1
German Proficiency 2
German Proficiency 3
Deutsche Grammatik 1, die Basis: Einführung in die Grammatik des Deutschen
Deutsche Grammatik 2, Vertiefung und Erweiterung: Verb, Adjektiv und Präposition
Deutsche Grammatik 3: Eine funktionale Betrachtung der wichtigsten Wortarten
German Linguistics 1
German Linguistics 2
German Literature 1: Prose, Poetry, Theatre, Film
German Literature 2: German-speaking Cultures in Literature
German Literature 3: Current Issues
German Literary History 1: from the Enlightenment to Modernity
German Literary History 2: from WWI to the Present
Deutsche Kulturgeschichte
Compulsory courses
Gramática española 1
Gramática española 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish Proficiency 3
Spanish Proficiency 4
Spanish Proficiency 5
Spanish Linguistics: Language as an Instrument
Spanish Linguistics: Language as a System
Introduction to the Study of Literature in Spanish
Literature in Spanish I
Literature in Spanish II
Literature in Spanish III
Sociedad y cultura en Hispanoamérica
Sociedad y cultura en España
General fundamental and discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Western Philosophy
Literary Theory 1
Multilingual and Intercultural Communication
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
Specific fundamental and discipline-related courses
Depending on chosen master programme
Language Processing by People and Machines
Literary Theory 2
Compulsory courses
Dutch Proficiency 1: Basic Skills in Speaking and Writing
Dutch Proficiency 2: Academic Writing and Presenting
Dutch Proficiency 3: Journalistic Writing
Dutch Linguistics 1: Phonetics, Phonology and Syntax
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic Perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: Diachronic Perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kevin Absillis
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch Literature 1: from the Start until the French Revolution
History of Dutch-language Literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language Literature 3: from the Great War until the Present Day
Dutch Studies in Practice
Compulsory courses
English Grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English Grammar 3: the Complex Sentence
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
- Bart Eeckhout
- Toon Staes
- - NNB
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
English: Culture and History
English Linguistics: Englishes Old and New
Compulsory courses
French: Grammar 1
French Proficiency and Culture 1: Oral and Writing Proficiency
French Proficiency 2: Grammar
French Proficieny 2: Oral and Written Proficiency
French Proficiency 3
French Literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French Literature 2: French and French-language Literature from the 19th Century until Today
French Literature 3: Genres and Texts
French Linguistics 1: Linguistics of Contemporary French
French Linguistics 1: History of French
French Linguistics 2: Seman. & Pragm. Analysis of Lexical Items, Synchronic & Diachronic Approaches
French Linguistics 3
French: Culture and Globalisation
Compulsory courses
Learning to Read German: Language, Literature and History
German: Language Proficiency 1
German Proficiency 2
German Proficiency 3
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Grammar 3
German Linguistics 1
German Linguistics 2
German Literature 1: Prose, Poetry, Theatre, Film
German Literature 2: German-speaking Cultures in Literature
German Literature 3: Current Issues
German Literary History 1: from the Enlightenment to Modernity
German Literary History 2: from WWI to the Present
German: Cultural History
Compulsory courses
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish Proficiency 3
Spanish Proficiency 4
Spanish Proficiency 5
Spanish Linguistics: Language as an Instrument
Spanish Linguistics: Language as a System
Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Literature
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
Hispanic Literature I
Hispanic Literature II
Hispanic Literature III
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
General fundamental and discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Western Philosophy
General Literary Theory 1
Multilingual and Intercultural Communication
Quantitative Research Methodes
Qualitative Research Methodes
Specific fundamental and discipline-related courses
Depending on chosen master programme
Language processing by People and Machines
General Literary Theory 2
Compulsory courses
Dutch Proficiency 1: basic skills in speaking and writing
Dutch Proficiency 2: academic writing and presenting
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Dutch linguistics 1: basic concepts in syntax and morphology
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch literature 1: from start till French Revolution
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Dutch studies in practice
Compulsory courses
English: grammar 1
English Grammar 2
- Astrid De Wit
- Alena Anishchanka
- Eleanor Smith
- Margot Vancauwenbergh
English grammar 3. The complex sentence
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
English: Culture and History
English Linguistics. Englishes old and new
Compulsory courses
French: Grammar 1
French Proficiency 1: oral and writing Proficiency
French Proficiency 2: grammar
French Proficieny 2: Oral and written proficiency
French Proficiency 3
French literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French literary history 2: French and French-language literature from the 19th century until today
French Literature 3: genres and texts
French linguistics 1: phonetics, morphology and syntax of modern French
French linguistics 1: history of French
French linguistics 2: seman. & pragm. analysis of lexical items, synchronic & diachronic approaches
French Linguistics 3
French: Culture and Globalisation
Compulsory courses
German: Language Proficiency 1
German Proficiency 2
German Proficiency 3
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Grammar 3
German Linguistics 1
German Linguistics 2
German Literature 1: prose, poetry, theatre, film
- Jana Vijayakumaran
German Literature 2: German-speaking Cultures in Literature
- Thomas Ernst
- Jana Vijayakumaran
German Literature 3: Current Issues
German Literary History 1: from the Enlightenment to Modernity
History of German literature 2: from WW1 to the present
German: Cultural History
- Patricia Linden
- Jana Vijayakumaran
- Thomas Ernst
Compulsory courses
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish Proficiency 3
- Pedro Gras
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- - NNB
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanisch Proficiency 4: oral proficiency
- Pedro Gras
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- - NNB
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanish linguistics: Language as an Instrument
Spanish Linguistics: Language as a System
Introduction to the study of Spanish-language texts literature
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
Spanish-language texts Literature I
Spanish-language texts Literature II
Spanish literature III
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
- Emilio Vivó Capdevila
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
General fundamental and discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Western Philosophy
General Literary Theory 1
Multilingual and Intercultural Communication
Quantitative Research Methodes
Qualitative Research Methodes
Specific fundamental and discipline-related courses
Depending on chosen master programme
Language processing by People and Machines
General Literary Theory 2
Compulsory courses
Dutch Proficiency 1: basic skills in speaking and writing
Dutch Proficiency 2: academic writing and presenting
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Dutch linguistics 1: basic concepts in syntax and morphology
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch literature 1: from start till French Revolution
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Dutch studies in practice
Compulsory courses
English: grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English grammar 3. The complex sentence
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
- Vanessa Joosen
- Pim Verhulst
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
- Bart Eeckhout
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
- Pim Verhulst
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
- Pim Verhulst
English: Culture and History
English Linguistics. Englishes old and new
Compulsory courses
French: Grammar 1
French Proficiency 1: oral and writing Proficiency
French Proficiency 2: grammar
French Proficieny 2: Oral and written proficiency
French Proficiency 3
French literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French literary history 2: French and French-language literature from the 19th century until today
French Literature 3: genres and texts
French linguistics 1: phonetics, morphology and syntax of modern French
- Marie Steffens
French linguistics 1: history of French
French Linguistics 2: grammatical and lexical semantics, synchronic and diachronic approaches
French Linguistics 3
French: Culture and Globalisation
Compulsory courses
German: Language Proficiency 1
German Proficiency 2
German Proficiency 3
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Grammar 3
German Linguistics 1
German Linguistics 2
German texts 1
- Jana Vijayakumaran
German texts 2
- Thomas Ernst
- Elisabeth Meyer
German texts 3
History of German literature 1
History of German literature 2
German: Cultural History
- Patricia Linden
- Thomas Ernst
- Jana Vijayakumaran
Compulsory courses
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish Proficiency 3
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- - NNB
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanisch Proficiency 4: oral proficiency
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- - NNB
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanish linguistics: structure of contemporary Spanish
Spanish Linguistics: language in use
Introduction to the study of Spanish-language texts literature
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
Spanish-language texts Literature I
Spanish-language texts Literature II
Spanish literature III
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Emilio Vivó Capdevila
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
General fundamental and discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Western Philosophy
General Literary Theory 1
General Linguistics 1
Science skills and statistics
Specific fundamental and discipline-related courses
Depending on chosen master programme
General Linguistics 2
General Literary Theory 2
Compulsory courses
Dutch Proficiency 1: basic skills in speaking and writing
Dutch Proficiency 2: academic writing and presenting
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Dutch linguistics 1: basic concepts in syntax and morphology
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch literature: Middle Ages
History of Dutch literature: Early-Modern Times
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Dutch studies in practice
Compulsory courses
English: grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English grammar 3. The complex sentence
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
- Vanessa Joosen
- Pim Verhulst
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
- Bart Eeckhout
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
- Pim Verhulst
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
- Pim Verhulst
English Culture and History
English Linguistics. Englishes old and new
Compulsory courses
French Grammar 1
French Proficiency 1: oral and writing Proficiency
French Proficiency 2: grammar
French Proficieny 2: Oral and written proficiency
French Proficiency 3
French literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French literary history 2: French and French-language literature from the 19th century until today
French Literature 3: genres and texts
French linguistics 1: phonetics, morphology and syntax of modern French
- Marie Steffens
French linguistics 1: history of French
French Linguistics 2: grammatical and lexical semantics, synchronic and diachronic approaches
French linguistics 3
French Culture 1
Compulsory courses
German proficiency 1
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German Proficiency 2
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German Proficiency 3
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Alex Haider
- Tom Smits
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German Grammar 1
German Grammar 2
German grammar 3
German Linguistics 1
German Linguistics 2
German texts 1
German texts 2
German texts 3
History of German literature 1
History of German literature 2
History of German Culture
Compulsory courses
Spanish Grammar 1
Spanish Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
- Pedro Gras
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
- Patricia Galiana
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish Proficiency 3
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
- Patricia Galiana
Spanisch Proficiency 4: oral proficiency
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
- Patricia Galiana
Spanish linguistics: structure of contemporary Spanish
Spanish Linguistics: language in use
Introduction to the study of Spanish-language texts literature
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
Spanish-language texts Literature I
Spanish-language texts Literature II
Spanish literature III
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Maria Teresa Navarrete Navarrete
Latin America: Society and Culture
Spain: Society and Culture
General fundamental and discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Western Philosophy
General Literary Theory 1
General Linguistics 1
Science skills and statistics
Specific fundamental and discipline-related courses
Depending on chosen master programme
General Linguistics 2
General Literary Theory 2
- Bart Eeckhout
- Luc Herman
- Laura Michiels
Compulsory courses
Dutch Proficiency 1: basic skills in speaking and writing
Dutch Proficiency 2: academic writing and presenting
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Dutch linguistics 1: basic concepts in syntax and morphology
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of the Dutch-language literature 1: Middle Ages and Early-Modern Times
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau