The summer school focuses on key legal considerations for companies crossing borders. This will be done from various perspectives: mergers and acquisitions, (aggressive) tax (planning), labour, intellectual property, insolvency and international contracts.

The summer school will be hosted on campus AND online (live stream) via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, the collaborative online learning platform of the University of Antwerp.

Discover previous editions

Course description

This summer school focuses on key legal considerations for companies crossing borders. This will be done from various perspectives including mergers & acquisitions, (aggressive) tax (planning), labour, intellectual property, insolvency, and international contracts. The summer school includes a case relating to companies involved in a cross-border take-over situation, to be solved by the students. The students' solutions are discussed from the aforementioned various perspectives.

The summer school will be taught by professors of the University of Antwerp and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain).

The programme relates to companies crossing borders, and is composed of two parts:

  1. Introductory lectures on key legal considerations for companies crossing borders.
    These lectures should enable the students to solve the case that will form the common theme throughout the summer school.
  2. Exercises on the basis of a case relating to companies involved in a cross-border take-over situation; to be solved by the students individually within two weeks as of the end of the lectures; students will have to submit a written report on questions relating to the case; students will be required to orally present their findings in an online discussion within one week after submission (tentative timing). In addition, participants are required to submit a written paper (max. 15 pages) on a topic relevant to the summer school. Topics will be distributed at the start of the summer school. Own topics are allowed, yet require prior approval by the academic coordinator, Prof. Robby Houben. 

Day-by-day programme

Below is the programme from the previous edition. The programme for the 2025 edition will be finalized soon.

Monday DAY 1

9 AM - 12 PM

  • Welcome address
    Prof. dr. Dirk Vanheule (University of Antwerp)
  • Introduction to the summer school
    Prof. dr. Robby Houben (University of Antwerp)
  • Cross-border mergers and acquisitions
    Prof. dr. Robby Houben (University of Antwerp)

1 - 4 PM

  • Cross-border labour aspects
    Prof. dr. Daniël Cuypers (University of Antwerp), Bartłomiej Bednarowicz (Policy Officer at the European Economic and Social Committee; University of Antwerp), Johan Kerremans (Laywer, Janson)

Tuesday DAY 2

9 AM - 12 PM

  • Cross-border tax aspects
    Steven Peeters (University of Antwerp; Arteo Law)

1 - 4 PM

  • Aggressive tax planning in cross-border context
    Débora Ottoni Uébe Mansur (University of Antwerp)

Wednesday DAY 3

9 AM - 12 PM

  • Foreign direct investments (FDI) regulation trends
    Prof. dr. Tomislav Jakšić (University of Zagreb)

1 - 4 PM

  • Cross-border intellectual property aspects
    Prof. dr. Esther Van Zimmeren (University of Antwerp)

Thursday DAY 4

9 AM - 12 PM

  • International contracts: applicable law and competent court / arbitration versus domestic courts
    Prof. dr. Thalia Kruger (University of Antwerp and University of Cape Town), dr. Dilyara Nigmatullina (University of Antwerp)

1 - 4 PM

  • Business and Human Rights
    Prof. dr. Gamze Erdem Turkelli (University of Antwerp)

Friday DAY 5

9 AM - 12 PM

  • Cross Border Corporate Governance
    Prof.dr. Tom Vos (University of Antwerp)

1 - 4 PM

  • Cross-border insolvency
    Prof. dr. Melissa Vanmeenen (University of Antwerp)

4:15 - 6 PM

  •  Closing ceremony

Target group

  • Students with a degree of Bachelor of Laws or Economics, or students who are enrolled in their third year.
    Students with similar competences (to be assessed on a case-by-case basis) are eligible for this summer school as well.
  • Good command of English is required.


This summer school takes place at Stadscampus (Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp) of the University of Antwerp. This campus is located in the city centre.

Micro-credential and study credits (ECTS)

Successful completion of the summer school can be awarded with 3 credits according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Credits will be awarded on the basis of participation in class and written reports + an oral presentation of findings relating to the case in the tutorials.

To include the credits in the curriculum at the home institution, participants need an agreement with the responsible person at the home institution.

A certificate will be awarded at the end of the programme. All certificates of completion are issued as a micro-credential. 

Social programme

Participants will be able to get in touch with peers attending other summer schools at the Antwerp Summer University. A visit to the beautiful city hall, a networking reception, a guided city walk, a quiz night, a football game and a day-trip to another Belgian city such as Bruges or Brussels are only some examples of these activities.

All activities of the social programme are offered free of charge. In some cases participants will be asked for a deposit which will be reimbursed upon participation to the activity.