The Biopac MP36R is a 4-channel data acquisition system with built-in universal amplifiers that can record a wide range of psychophysiological signals such as ECG, HRV, EEG and EMG, a stimulator, audio output, external trigger and digital I/O lines. Using the Acqknowledge software, it can record electrocardiogram (ECG), heart rate variability (HRV), electroencephalography (EEG) and  electromyogram (EMG). 

Amount: 1

How can I use the Biopac MP36R? 

Click here for a manual on how to use the software of BIOPAC and for instructional videos on the use of BIOPAC. If you experience troubles while using BIOPAC, you can check out this site on troubleshooting

Biopac MP160-WSW-AWF

A 16-channel data acquisition system with several modules available for electrogastrogram, micro-electrode recording, noninvasive blood pressure measurement & electrical bioimpedence (cardiac output), and others. It includes powerful automated analysis routines for ECG, HRV, EEG, EMG, EGG, and many more. Similar to Biopac MP36R, it works with the AcqKnowledge software offering specialized analysis capabilities.  

Amount: 1

How can I use the Biopac MP160? 

A user manual on how to use Biopac MP-products can be found here.