Risks of using mitoquinone during in vitro maturation and its potential protective effects against lipotoxicity-induced oocyte mitochondrial stress

Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics - ISSN 1058-0468-41 (2024) p. 371-383

Cerebral microvascular endothelial cell-derived extracellular vesicles regulate blood - brain barrier function

Fluids and barriers of the CNS - ISSN 2045-8118-20:1 (2023) p. 1-20
    Baharak Hosseinkhani, Gayel Duran, Cindy Hoeks, Doryssa Hermans, Melissa Schepers, Paulien Baeten, Joren Poelmans, Britt Coenen, Kuebra Bekar, Isabel Pintelon, Jean-Pierre Timmermans, Tim Vanmierlo, Luc Michiels, Niels Hellings, Bieke Broux