Implementation analysis of primary care interventions : unraveling the underlying mechanisms that affect implementation outcomes
Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen & Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2024,206 p.
How does the external context affect an implementation processes? A qualitative study investigating the impact of macro-level variables on the implementation of goal-oriented primary care
Implementation science - ISSN 1748-5908-19:32 (2024) p. 1-13
Qualitative study on shared decision making in cystitis management in general practice
BJGP Open - ISSN 2398-3795- (2024) p.
Disparities in the non-laboratory INTERHEART risk score and its components in selected countries of Europe and sub-Saharan Africa : analysis from the SPICES multi-country project
European Heart Journal Open - ISSN 2752-4191-3:6 (2023) p. 1-10
Vangnetadviezen bij luchtweginfecties : veilig minder antibiotica op de huisartsenwachtpost
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