General PhD regulations

The general PhD regulations apply to all PhD researchers of the University of Antwerp. The new regulations came into force on 20 February 2024 and apply to decisions yet to be made with regard to ongoing and new PhDs. For ongoing PhDs, decisions can - without obligation - be altered in light of the new regulations.

These regulations also contain:

  • the charter for PhD researchers: This describes the expectations and engagements from and towards all the different parties involved in the PhD process (including PhD researchers and PhD supervisors). Discuss this with your supervisor(s) at the start of your PhD trajectory!
  • the integrity charter for PhD researchers and supervisors affiliated with our university: UAntwerp subscribes to the Code of Ethics for Scientific Research in Belgium and the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (ALLEA code). Each PhD researcher and supervisor are expected to be aware of these values and to take them into account in the implementation and supervision of PhD research.
  • a list of the study areas in which a PhD degree can be obtained at the University of Antwerp.

Finally, there is the code of conduct transgressive behaviour, which applies to all students, PhD researchers and staff of UAntwerp.

Faculty PhD regulations and points systems

The faculty PhD regulations are additional to the general PhD regulations and apply to the PhD researchers of the faculty/institute involved. The points system for the doctoral study programme varies per faculty/institute and is explained in the regulations.​