At the request of friends from the late Dennie Lockefeer, we are now launching a call for 'Friends of the chair Dennie Lockefeer'. Next to companies, private individuals will also be able to support the chair Dennie Lockefeer by making donations as "Friends of the chair Dennie Lockefeer". All donations will go towards the chair (research, lectures, award). "Friends of the chair Dennie Lockefeer" will be invited to the inauguration of the chair Dennie Lockefeer (free of charge) and will be kept informed of all the activities. You can become a friend of the chair Dennie Lockefeer by:

Transferring your donation to the University of Antwerp's bank account (BE 46 7350 0799 7636) (name: University of Antwerp, Prinsstraat 13) with the reference Gift - Chair Dennie Lockefeer. and sending an email to Dimitry Beuckelaers ( You will receive a tax certificate for any donation exceeding € 40.