14 JUNE | 12:00 PM CET (06:00 AM ET): Why talking to a mathematician?

What do we mean by 'data analysis'; mathematical modelling; and examples of application.
Lecturers: Damiano Lombardy, Research Scientist | Miguel A. Fernández, Senior Researcher | Céline Grandmont, Senior Researcher. All they members of COMMEDIA - Computational mathematics for bio-medical applications, INRIA.
The first part of this webinar will focus on the behaviour of a system with an aim to elucidate how the concepts of hypotheses, inference and prediction can be formalized. A second part will turn the spotlight on mathematical modelling, by discussing the meaning and the possible use of «in silico» models. To this end, an example of hierarchy of models with better accuracy will be introduced. To conclude, further realistic examples of data analysis and mathematical modelling in haemodynamics and electrophysiology will be briefly presented.