22 NOVEMBER (12:00 PM CET): Human iPSC added value to the drug discovery pipeline

Lecturer: Mariana Argenziano, PhD, Senior Scientist Stem Cell Biology, Ncardia
Human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based disease models are advantageous platforms thanks to their functional relevance and scalability. The pharmaceutical industry is now broadly recognizing the benefits of applying iPSC biology in the drug discovery pipeline, and the use of this technology is growing.
Nevertheless, implementation of iPSC-derived disease models in drug discovery projects involves several critical considerations. The first critical step is lineage specification of iPSCs to cell types that closely recapitulate key disease features. Secondly, cell manufacturing at a commercial scale must be achieved. Thirdly, reproducible and high-throughput assays that measure the disease biology must be developed.
With the Ncardia platform, we can put our large-scale manufacturing capabilities to work to ensure reproducible high-throughput screenings of large libraries against the same batch of cells from beginning to end. And we can screen any modality – small molecule, RNA therapeutic, monoclonal antibody or gene therapy – using physiologically relevant human iPSC-based phenotypic assays.
During this webinar we discuss the advantages, challenges and solutions of implementing iPSC-technology into drug discovery and development.