1 DECEMBER | 5:00 PM CET (11:00 AM ET): Telemetry in group housed rodents

Lecturers TSE Systems
- Holger Russig, Scientific Director
- Irina Toore-Heald, Kent Scientific Manager, Global Sales and Scientific Development
- Prof. Dr. Rene Remie, Director RRSSC Surgical skill center Almere
- Bob Brockway, Product Manager Telemetry TSE Systems

- Holger Russig | Welcome and short introduction TSE Systems
- Irina Toore-Heald | Low flow electronic anesthetic vaporizer systems from Kent Scientific: SomnoSuite and SomnoFlo + Q&A
- Prof. Dr. Rene Remie | Optimal surgery of telemetry implants, a prerequisite for high quality telemetry data + Q&A
- Bob Brockway | Telemetry in group housed rodents: Monitoring Blood pressure, biopotentials, temperature and activity in freely moving animals under optimized animal welfare conditions + Q&A
- Holger Russig | Final conclusions