Project name: Procurement: digital Tools and sustainable Goals - ProcToGo
Project Type: Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships
Project partners: Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Universiteit Antwerpen, Universität Bremen, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Duration of project: December 31, 2020 – June 29, 2023
University of Antwerp Team: Paul Matthyssens, Freija Kleijnen, Zainab El Hejazi, Wim Van Haverbeke, Dan Xiang (researcher)
Contact person: Ms. Dan Xiang
Project Lead: Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Project funding: Erasmus+': The Union programme for education, training, youth, sport
Link: https://proctogo.it/
ProcToGo is a KA2 Strategic Partnership co-funded by Erasmus+. Led by Tor Vergata University of Rome, the project involves a transnational partnership with the University of Antwerp, University of Bremen, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Associate partners are: Dublin City University (DCU), the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) and the YERUN network.
ProcToGo is a project that aims to explore innovative ideas in education as core elements for connecting higher education institutions and the labour market and, as a result, enhancing graduates’ employability. This project focuses on the area of Procurement in general and Sustainable Procurement in specific, where the demand of professionals with digital skills is ever more increasing.
By integrating traditional academic learning paths with non-traditional and digital approaches based on competence-based learning, in particular adopting a micro-credential approach, the project responds to the increasing demand on academic offerings that help graduates acquire specific competencies and develop along their career profiles required by the labour market in the area of Sustainable Procurement.
Additionally, the project intends to examine innovative forms of “credentialing” that can better respond to the need of professionals for customization of education programs. We also notice a need for more transparency on behalf of the stakeholders regarding the educational experience. The digital technology enables the EU-wide recognition, transferability and portability of learning outcomes at different levels. In particular, two blended courses on digital sustainable procurement practices, structured on micro-credentialing learning modules, and the recognition through a digital badge will be at the core of this project.
As such, as a second objective, and based on the experiences built up in the first part of this project, the potential of micro-credentials for competence development and the recognition of skills and qualifications, will be further explored. We will create a framework on micro-credentials that is developed, used and tested-in-use in the area of digital skills in procurement, but could be easily applied to additional professional fields.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.