Prototyping the future
Our collaborative research vision at the augmented crafting lab underscores the importance of cutting-edge technologies in constructing a sustainable future, emphasizing the transformative potential of Augmented Crafting in various scientific and practical domains. The intersection of the digital and physical worlds has been dramatically reshaped by emerging technologies over the past decade. Specifically, the integration of digital manufacturing, Generative AI, 3D scanning, and IoT platforms is becoming increasingly crucial, enabling revolutionary changes in product definition, which can oscillate between being physical, virtual, or a hybrid of both.
The tagline, “Prototyping the Future,” encapsulates the essence of this vision, highlighting the role of Augmented Crafting in shaping the future of sustainable technology.
In the context of Augmented Crafting, we merge computational power and digital manufacturing with user skills and intuition. This approach allows us to frame applications and fundamental challenges along two orthogonal axes: cognitive versus physical, and reflective versus active. As illustrated in Figure 1, this results in four distinct quadrants representing scientific domains that need to be juxtaposed: Augmented/Virtual Reality, Robotics, Co-Making, and Artificial Intelligence.

Disruptive technologies such as Generative AI, Extended and Virtual reality, 3D printing and digital manufacturing are set to revolutionize our daily lives in terms of conceiving, creating, and utilizing product-service systems. Advanced manufacturing techniques facilitate iterative development, transforming the concept of prototypes into demonstrators and moonshots. A key insight is that these innovations can augment human capabilities, extending our mental and physical skills with computational and robotic support.
Moreover, agile development methods, supplemented by mixed-reality systems and 3D-printing systems, empower us to create and adapt these systems swiftly, with near-instant turnaround times. This also leads to new design representations – beyond the sketch and the algorithm.
The objective of this research program is to design and prototype custom digital fabrication systems that harmonize user skills/intuition with computational power.
- Advanced Manufacturing Techniques: Exploration of robotics/wise chisels, (natural) materials, cyber-physical systems, and embedded intelligence.
- New Product Development: Investigation of mass personalization, materials and textiles, scale, life cycle, ergonomics, and cultural heritage.
- Evolving User Roles: Study of computational design support, craftsmanship, and the role of design representations.
This research vision underscores the importance and relevance of technology in crafting a sustainable future, emphasizing the transformative potential of Augmented Crafting in various scientific and practical domains. The tagline, "Prototyping the Future," encapsulates the essence of this vision, highlighting the role of Augmented Crafting in shaping the future of sustainable technology.
- advice on designing personalised durables (ultra-personalisation)
- immersive and augmented technologies
- 3D scanning/reproduction of cultural heritage
- ...
Design for Demonstrators
Abstract: This project investigates the phenomenon of demonstrators such as concept cars and haute couture, and how demonstrators and other emerging forms of prototypes are manifestations in design processes. Based on case studies in industry and interviews with modern thought leaders, the candidate will develop a design methodology to enhance the dialogue between stakeholders, creation of (physical and virtual) prototypes through digital fabrication, and relevant assessment methods.
Researcher(s): Aleksandra Sviridova
Promotor: Jouke Verlinden
Project type(s): Research (BOF)
Crafting Futures
Revising & transforming the evaluation, assessment & validation of craftsmanship to enhance its economic & societal impact
Abstract: Crafting Futures examines and transforms the assessment & validation mechanisms by which crafts knowledge and know-how (CKK) is evaluated, to enhance its value added for economy and society in Flanders. Crafts are resources for competitiveness, innovation, sustainable development and quality of life, contributing to SDG4, 8 and 11. Our main contribution is to transform the "repertoires of evaluation" and the related validation tools. Specifically, to co-create formats and tools which enable crafts people and stakeholders such as educators and entrepreneurs to valorise CKK more effectively and productively (business models, certificates. We will develop and test our revised formats and tools in action research labs that analyse in-depth a set of "boundary cases" by our stakeholders and experiment with hybrid craftsmanship and 21st-century skills.
Researcher(s): Tim Dierickx
Promotor: Jouke Verlinden & Joke Vandenabeele (Leuven)
Research team(s): Ils Huygens, Vic Bervoets,Ophelia Bostyn, Viktoria Verhelst, Bert de Munck, Marc Jacobs, Annick Schramme, Esther van Zimmeren
EU Horizon: Tracks4Crafts
Transforming crafts knowledge for a sustainable, inclusive and economically viable heritage in Europe
Abstract: Tracks4Crafts examines and transforms the transmission of traditional crafts knowledge (TCK) to enhance the societal and economic valuation of crafts and align them with a future-oriented heritage approach in Europe. The augmented crafting lab specifically focuses on developing new digital technologies that enhance and transform transmission of TCK, for example motion tracking and augmented display technologies.
Researcher(s): Ian Garcia
Promotor: Jouke Verlinden
Research team(s): Julie de Groot, Bert de Munck, Marc Jacobs, Annick Schramme
Project type(s): research (EU Horizon)
Abstract: Development of novel hands-free communication system for open-air vehicles. Based on patent-pending solution we are implementing a new system applicable for bikes.
Researcher(s): Ralv Lundahl, Erik Verreycken
Promotor: Jouke Verlinden, Walter Daems, Dennis Laurijssen, Jan Steckel
Research team(s): Co-Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (Cosys-Lab)
Project type(s): Research (IOF)
Related courses
- Advanced Prototyping
- Research Internship
- Master thesis
Principal investigators:
- Aleksandra Sviridova
- Ian Garcia
- Tim Dierickx
- Ralv Lundahl
- Anne Marleen Olthof
- Dries Verbruggen
- Jiaming Ye
- Chiara Percivati
- Kristof Timmerman (MaxLab)
Alumni researchers
Associations & partners
This lab is part of the IOF Nexor 2.0 consortium and closely related to the Antwerp Design Factory. We share interests and projects with related research groups on craftsmanship (history, economics, law, intangible heritage). Furthermore, we have active collaboration with the AP Immersive Lab.