Study programme
of the Bachelor of Social-Economic Sciences
During your first year, the broad curriculum will introduce you to several different fields, helping you discover where your interests lie. In the second and third year, you have the freedom to pursue a Major in Economics, Sociology, Business or Socio-Economics, consisting of 24 credits.
Model path part 1
Domain 1: Business Economics (9 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to financial markets
Domain 2: Economic Analysis (6 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to economics
Domain 3: Philosophy and Ethics (3 ECTS-credits)
Social and Economic Philosophy
Domain 4: Public Governance (6 ECTS-credits)
European Integration
Domain 5: Quantitative Reasoning (9 ECTS-credits)
Descriptive statistics and probability theory
Mathematical methods
Domain 6: Psychology and Anthropology (6 ECTS-credits)
Social psychology
Domain 7: Law (3 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to Law
Domain 8: Sociological Analysis (12 ECTS-credits)
Societies: Facts & Challenges
Domain 9: Languages (6 ECTS-credits)
Academic English
Model path part 2
Domain 2: Economic Analysis (12 ECTS-credits)
'Economics' or 'Introduction to economics' (6 ECTS)
'Economics' or 'Introduction to economics' (6 ECTS)
Domain 4: Public Governance (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from:
Political Thought
Comparative Political Institutions
Domain 5: Quantitative Reasoning (6 ECTS-credits)
Multivariate Analysis
Domain 7: Law (3 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to corporate law
Domain 8: Sociological Analysis (6 ECTS-credits)
Sociological Theory
Domain 9: Languages (3 ECTS-credits)
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the languages provided. Within the bachelor programme, minimum 2 levels of 1 language must be obtained.
French 1
German 1
Spanish 1
Domain 10: Major (12 ECTS-credits)
24 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from the related domain in addition to the minimum of ECTS-credits.
Optional courses Business Economics (domain 1)
Business-to-business marketing
Digital organisation
Financial management
'Accounting', 'Introduction to financial reporting' or 'Financial reporting: principles and analysis'
Foundations of international business
Introduction to financial reporting and analysis
Introduction to managing and organising
Operations management
Principles of management accounting
Risk management and internal control
'Financial reporting and analysis'
- Dries Schockaert
- Jo Mentens
Optional courses Economic Analysis (domain 2)
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Regional and urban economics
Transport economics
Topics in public economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Optional courses Social-economic Analysis (domain 2 & 8)
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Social Demography
Sociology of Organizations
Theory Construction
Emerging Communication Technologies
European Public Policy
Topics in public economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Comparative Political Institutions
Political Thought
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Major in Social Sciences / optional courses Sociological Analysis (domain 8)
Political Rhetoric
Social Demography
Sociology of Organizations
Theory Construction
Emerging Communication Technologies
European Public Policy
Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication
Quantitative Methods of Communication Research
Qualitative Methods of Communication Research
Comparative Political Institutions
Political Thought
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Domain 11: Electives (6 ECTS-credits)
12 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from the other domains or from the list below.
In case students wish to enroll in the master of teaching they enroll for the component 'teaching' instead of 12 ECTS-credits of the choice courses. The remaining 3 ECTS-credits of the component 'teaching' are found by lifting the mandatory enrollment of 'European Societies'.
Debating Development
Topics in development studies
French 1
German 1
Spanish 1
Component Teaching
Optional courses Component Teaching
Students can choose to follow the 3 compulsory courses in the 1st or in the 2nd semester
General Didactics
General didactics (2nd semester)
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and inclusion
In-school Training: Orientation
In-school Training: Orientation
Optional courses Component Teaching
Students choose 1 introduction teaching methodology. In case of a 2nd introduction teaching methodology students don't have to follow 'Krachtige leeromgevingen'. 'Seminarie vakkennis wiskunde', 'Discrete wiskunde' and 'Linaire algebra' are compulsory for students choosing 'Introductie vakdidactiek wiskunde'. In case 'Beslissingsondersteunende methoden' has been taken only 'Seminarie vakkennis wiskunde' is compulsory.
'Introductie vakdidactiek maatschappijwetenschappen' is compulsory for the master of teaching in social sciences. 'introductie vakdidactiek economie' is compulsory for the master of teaching in economics.
Introduction teaching methodology economics with practice sessions (1st sem.)
Introduction teaching methodology social sciences with practice sessions (1st sem.)
Introduction Teaching Methodology General Subj. for Techn. and Vocational Ed. with Practice Sessions
Introduction teaching methodology general sub. for techn. and vocational ed. with practice sessions
Introduction teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions (1st sem.)
Powerful Learning Environments
Powerful Learning Environments
Seminar Professional Knowledge in Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Linear Algebra
Domain 12: Integration (9 ECTS-credits)
Bachelor thesis: introduction to social-economic research
'Economics' or 'Introduction to economics' (6 ECTS)
European Societies
Model path part 3
Domain 1: Business Economics (3 ECTS-credits)
I-week on sustainability
(This does not apply to exchange students or non-degree students)
Domain 2: Economic Analysis (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Domain 3: Philosophy and Ethics (3 ECTS-credits)
Global Justice
Domain 4: Public Governance (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from
Political Thought
Comparative Political Institutions
Domain 5: Quantitative Reasoning (6 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to econometrics
- 'Economics' or 'Introduction to economics' (6 sp.)
- 'Statistics II' or 'Multivariate analysis'
Domain 8: Sociological Analysis (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Social Demography
Sociology of Organizations
Theory Construction
Domain 9: Languages (3 ECTS-credits)
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the languages provided. Within the bachelor programme, minimum 2 levels of 1 language must be obtained.
French 2
German 2
Spanish 2
Domain 10: Major (12 ECTS-credits)
24 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from the related domain in addition to the minimum of ECTS-credits.
Optional courses Business Economics (domain 1)
Business-to-business marketing
Digital organisation
Financial management
'Accounting', 'Introduction to financial reporting' or 'Financial reporting: principles and analysis'
Foundations of international business
Introduction to financial reporting and analysis
Introduction to managing and organising
Operations management
Principles of management accounting
Risk management and internal control
'Financial reporting and analysis'
- Dries Schockaert
- Jo Mentens
Optional courses Economic Analysis (domain 2)
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Regional and urban economics
Transport economics
Topics in public economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Optional courses Social-economic Analysis (domains 2 & 8)
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Social Demography
Sociology of Organizations
Theory Construction
Emerging Communication Technologies
European Public Policy
Topics in public economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Comparative Political Institutions
Political Thought
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Major in Social Sciences / optional courses Sociological Analysis (domain 8)
Political Rhetoric
Social Demography
Sociology of Organizations
Theory Construction
Emerging Communication Technologies
European Public Policy
Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication
Quantitative Methods of Communication Research
Qualitative Methods of Communication Research
Comparative Political Institutions
Political Thought
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Domain 11: Electives (6 ECTS-credits)
12 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from the other domains or from the list below.
In case students wish to enroll in the master of teaching they enroll for the component 'teaching' instead of 12 ECTS-credits of the choice courses. The remaining 3 ECTS-credits of the component 'teaching' are found by lifting the mandatory enrollment of 'European Societies'.
Community Service Learning
French 2
German 2
Spanish 2
Component Teaching
Optional courses Component Teaching
Students can choose to follow the 3 compulsory courses in the 1st or in the 2nd semester
General Didactics
General didactics (2nd semester)
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and inclusion
In-school Training: Orientation
In-school Training: Orientation
Optional courses Component Teaching
Students choose 1 introduction teaching methodology. In case of a 2nd introduction teaching methodology students don't have to follow 'Krachtige leeromgevingen'. 'Seminarie vakkennis wiskunde', 'Discrete wiskunde' and 'Linaire algebra' are compulsory for students choosing 'Introductie vakdidactiek wiskunde'. In case 'Beslissingsondersteunende methoden' has been taken only 'Seminarie vakkennis wiskunde' is compulsory.
'Introductie vakdidactiek maatschappijwetenschappen' is compulsory for the master of teaching in social sciences. 'introductie vakdidactiek economie' is compulsory for the master of teaching in economics.
Introduction teaching methodology economics with practice sessions (1st sem.)
Introduction teaching methodology social sciences with practice sessions (1st sem.)
Introduction Teaching Methodology General Subj. for Techn. and Vocational Ed. with Practice Sessions
Introduction teaching methodology general sub. for techn. and vocational ed. with practice sessions
Introduction teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions (1st sem.)
Powerful Learning Environments
Powerful Learning Environments
Seminar Professional Knowledge in Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Linear Algebra
Domain 12: Integration (12 ECTS-credits)
Bachelor thesis: design of social-economic research
-Bachelor thesis - Intro to soc-ec research
-Intro to econometrics (or include in study programme)
Social-economic analysis
- 'Society, Facts and Problems' or 'Societies, facts and challenges'
- 'Microeconomics' (or include it in the study programme)
Model path part 1
Domain 1: Business Economics (9 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to financial markets
Domain 2: Economic Analysis (6 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to economics
Domain 3: Philosophy and Ethics (3 ECTS-credits)
Social and Economic Philosophy
Domain 4: Public Governance (6 ECTS-credits)
European Integration
Domain 5: Quantitative Reasoning (9 ECTS-credits)
Descriptive statistics and probability theory
Mathematical methods
Domain 6: Psychology and Anthropology (6 ECTS-credits)
Social psychology
Domain 7: Law (3 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to Law
- Marta Katarzyna Kołacz
Domain 8: Sociological Analysis (12 ECTS-credits)
Societies: Facts & Challenges
Domain 9: Languages (6 ECTS-credits)
Academic English
Model path part 2
Domain 2: Economic Analysis (12 ECTS-credits)
'Economics' or 'Introduction to economics' (6 ECTS)
'Economics' or 'Introduction to economics' (6 ECTS)
Domain 4: Public Governance (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from:
Political Thought
Comparative Political Institutions
- Davide Vittori
Domain 5: Quantitative Reasoning (6 ECTS-credits)
Multivariate Analysis
Domain 7: Law (3 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to corporate law
Domain 8: Sociological Analysis (6 ECTS-credits)
Sociological Theory
Domain 9: Languages (3 ECTS-credits)
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the languages provided. Within the bachelor programme, minimum 2 levels of 1 language must be obtained.
French 1
German 1
Spanish 1
Domain 10: Major (12 ECTS-credits)
24 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from the related domain in addition to the minimum of ECTS-credits.
Optional courses Business Economics (domain 1)
Business-to-business marketing
Digital organisation
Financial management
'Accounting', 'Introduction to financial reporting' or 'Financial reporting: principles and analysis'
Foundations of international business
Introduction to financial reporting and analysis
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Dan Xiang
Operations management
Principles of management accounting
Risk management and internal control
'Financial reporting and analysis'
- Kris Hardies
- Jo Mentens
Optional courses Economic Analysis (domain 2)
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Regional and urban economics
Transport economics
Topics in public economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Optional courses Social-economic Analysis (domain 2 & 8)
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Social Demography
Sociology of Organizations
Theory Construction
Emerging Communication Technologies
European Public Policy
Topics in public economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Comparative Political Institutions
- Davide Vittori
Political Thought
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Major in Social Sciences / optional courses Sociological Analysis (domain 8)
Political Rhetoric
Social Demography
Sociology of Organizations
Theory Construction
Emerging Communication Technologies
European Public Policy
Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication
Methods of Communication Research
Comparative Political Institutions
- Davide Vittori
Political Thought
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Domain 11: Electives (6 ECTS-credits)
12 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from the other domains or from the list below
Debating Development
Topics in development studies
French 1
German 1
Spanish 1
Domain 12: Integration (9 ECTS-credits)
Bachelor thesis: introduction to social-economic research
'Introduction to economics'
European Societies
Model path part 3
Domain 1: Business Economics (3 ECTS-credits)
I-week on sustainability
(This does not apply to exchange students or non-degree students)
Domain 2: Economic Analysis (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Domain 3: Philosophy and Ethics (3 ECTS-credits)
Global Justice
Domain 4: Public Governance (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from
Political Thought
Comparative Political Institutions
- Davide Vittori
Domain 5: Quantitative Reasoning (6 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to econometrics
- 'Economics' or 'Introduction to economics' (6 sp.)
- 'Statistics II' or 'Multivariate analysis'
Domain 8: Sociological Analysis (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Social Demography
Sociology of Organizations
Theory Construction
Domain 9: Languages (3 ECTS-credits)
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the languages provided. Within the bachelor programme, minimum 2 levels of 1 language must be obtained.
French 2
German 2
Spanish 2
Domain 10: Major (12 ECTS-credits)
24 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from the related domain in addition to the minimum of ECTS-credits.
Optional courses Business Economics (domain 1)
Business-to-business marketing
Digital organisation
Financial management
'Accounting', 'Introduction to financial reporting' or 'Financial reporting: principles and analysis'
Foundations of international business
Introduction to financial reporting and analysis
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Dan Xiang
Operations management
Principles of management accounting
Risk management and internal control
'Financial reporting and analysis'
- Kris Hardies
- Jo Mentens
Optional courses Economic Analysis (domain 2)
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Regional and urban economics
Transport economics
Topics in public economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Optional courses Social-economic Analysis (domains 2 & 8)
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Social Demography
Sociology of Organizations
Theory Construction
Emerging Communication Technologies
European Public Policy
Topics in public economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Comparative Political Institutions
- Davide Vittori
Political Thought
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Major in Social Sciences / optional courses Sociological Analysis (domain 8)
Political Rhetoric
Social Demography
Sociology of Organizations
Theory Construction
Emerging Communication Technologies
European Public Policy
Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication
Methods of Communication Research
Comparative Political Institutions
- Davide Vittori
Political Thought
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Domain 11: Electives (6 ECTS-credits)
12 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from the other domains or from the list below
Community Service Learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
French 2
German 2
Spanish 2
Domain 12: Integration (12 ECTS-credits)
Bachelor thesis: design of social-economic research
Social-economic analysis
- 'Society, Facts and Problems' or 'Societies, facts and challenges'
- 'Microeconomics' (or include it in the study programme)
Model path part 1
Domain 1: Business Economics (9 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to financial markets
Domain 2: Economic Analysis (6 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to economics
Domain 3: Philosophy and Ethics (3 ECTS-credits)
Social and Economic Philosophy
Domain 4: Public Governance (6 ECTS-credits)
European Integration
Domain 5: Quantitative Reasoning (9 ECTS-credits)
Descriptive statistics and probability theory
Mathematical methods
Domain 6: Psychology and Anthropology (6 ECTS-credits)
Social psychology
Domain 7: Law (3 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to Law
Domain 8: Sociological Analysis (12 ECTS-credits)
- Itamar Shachar
Societies: Facts & Challenges
Domain 9: Languages (6 ECTS-credits)
Academic English
Model path part 2 - start academic year 2022-2023
Domain 2: Economic Analysis (12 ECTS-credits)
- 'Introduction to economics'
- 'Mathematical methods'
- 'Introduction to economics'
- 'Mathematical methods'
Domain 4: Public Governance (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from:
Political Thought
Comparative Political Institutions
- Davide Vittori
Domain 5: Quantitative Reasoning (6 ECTS-credits)
Multivariate Analysis
Domain 7: Law (3 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to corporate law
Domain 8: Sociological Analysis (6 ECTS-credits)
Sociological Theory
Domain 9: Languages (3 ECTS-credits)
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the languages provided. Within the bachelor programme, minimum 2 levels of 1 language must be obtained.
French 1
German 1
Spanish 1
Domain 10: Major (12 ECTS-credits)
24 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from the related domain in addition to the minimum of ECTS-credits.
Optional courses Business Economics (domain 1)
Business in the European Union
Business-to-business marketing
- 'Marketingbeleid'
Digital organisation
- 'Information systems' of 'Digital information systems'
Financial management
'Accountancy', 'Introduction to financial reporting' or 'Financial reporting: principles and analysis'
Introduction to financial reporting and analysis
Investment analysis
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Vicky Van Woensel
Operations management
'Mathematics with applications in (business) economics 1' or 'Mathematics with applications in (business) economics and technology 1' or 'Mathematical methods and techniques'
Principles of management accounting
Risk management and internal control
'Financial reporting and analysis'
- Kris Hardies
- Jo Mentens
Optional courses Economic Analysis (domain 2)
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Regional and urban economics
Transport economics
Topics in public economics
- - NNB
Optional courses Social-economic Analysis (domain 2 & 8)
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Social Demography
Sociology of Organizations
Theory Construction
- Itamar Shachar
Emerging Communication Technologies
European Public Policy
'European Integration'
Topics in public economics
- - NNB
Comparative Political Institutions
- Davide Vittori
Political Thought
Major in Social Sciences / optional courses Sociological Analysis (domain 8)
Political Rhetoric
Social Demography
Sociology of Organizations
Theory Construction
- Itamar Shachar
Emerging Communication Technologies
European Public Policy
'European Integration'
Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication
Communication Research Methods
- Gert-Jan de Bruijn
- Sander De Ridder
- Sofie Mariën
Comparative Political Institutions
- Davide Vittori
Political Thought
Domain 11: Electives (6 ECTS-credits)
12 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from the other domains or from the list below
Debating development
Topics in development studies
French 1
German 1
Spanish 1
Domain 12: Integration (9 ECTS-credits)
Bachelor thesis: introduction to social-economic research
'Introduction to economics'
European Societies
'Societies: Facts and Challenges'
Model path part 3 - start academic year 2023-2024
Domain 1: Business Economics (3 ECTS-credits)
I-week on sustainability
- Luc Van Liedekerke
- Peter Verhezen
- Freija Kleijnen
- Sara Weyns
Domain 2: Economic Analysis (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Domain 3: Philosophy and Ethics (3 ECTS-credits)
Global justice
Domain 4: Public Governance (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from
Political Thought
Comparative Political Institutions
- Davide Vittori
Domain 5: Quantitative Reasoning (6 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to econometrics
- 'Descriptive statistics and probability theory'
- 'Economics'
Domain 8: Sociological Analysis (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Social Demography
Sociology of Organizations
Theory Construction
- Itamar Shachar
Domain 9: Languages (3 ECTS-credits)
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the languages provided. Within the bachelor programme, minimum 2 levels of 1 language must be obtained.
French 2
German 2
- Ingeborg Dusar
Spanish 2
Domain 10: Major (12 ECTS-credits)
24 ECTS-credits (to be taken in part 2 or in part 3) to choose from the related domain in addition to the minimum of ECTS-credits.
Optional courses Business Economics (domain 1)
Business in the European Union
Business-to-business marketing
- 'Marketingbeleid'
Digital organisation
- 'Information systems' of 'Digital information systems'
Financial management
'Accountancy', 'Introduction to financial reporting' or 'Financial reporting: principles and analysis'
Introduction to financial reporting and analysis
Investment analysis
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Vicky Van Woensel
Operations management
'Mathematics with applications in (business) economics 1' or 'Mathematics with applications in (business) economics and technology 1' or 'Mathematical methods and techniques'
Principles of management accounting
Risk management and internal control
'Financial reporting and analysis'
- Kris Hardies
- Jo Mentens
Optional courses Economic Analysis (domain 2)
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Regional and urban economics
Transport economics
Topics in public economics
- - NNB
Optional courses Social-economic Analysis (domains 2 & 8)
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
International economics