Meest recent

2024. Lise Dheedene. Moving Heaven and Earth : Evangelical Solidarities in the Flemish Welfare Regime from a Postsecular Perspective

This thesis explores the roles of evangelical inspired solidarities in the largely secularized Flemish welfare regime. It starts from the observation that sociology’s concepts of solidarity have remained defined predominantly in structural and secular terms, eclipsing the emergence of new, bottom-up initiatives, including religiously inspired articulations of solidarity and love of neighbor. To shed new light on these solidarities, by contrast, it adopts the postsecular perspective developed by Paul Cloke and Justin Beaumont. This perspective enables us to examine the interplay of the religious and the secular in ways that depart from traditional binary frames. Via deze link lees je de volledige thesis. 

2024. Ewoud Vandepitte. Hope as struggle : Working with Narratives, Temporalities, and Emotions in the Belgian Climate Movement

Against climate breakdown and societal inertia, a societal need for hope is becoming salient. While climate movement organizations struggle to cultivate and maintain hope, this collective challenge is understudied. This gap is addressed through qualitative and ethnographic research as a co-participant in the Belgian climate movement. I understand hope as a collective yet complex cognitive-emotional process. This thesis systematically unpacks how climate movement participants work with hope along the dimensions of (i) narratives, (ii) temporalities, and (iii) emotions. The data illuminates how the Belgian climate movement is multi-faceted and multi-paced, linking hope to other emotions in their front- and backstage activities. By furthering theoretical and empirical knowledge of “hope as struggle” within the Belgian climate movement, this dissertation aims to enrich the collective work to see, feel, and act on transformative possibilities. Lees de volledige thesis via de link

2024. Robbe Geerts. Are environmental practices luxury goods? Towards a framework for social class and environmental practices in everyday life

Biking, sorting waste, eco-labels, saving energy, and so on: there are many ways in which we are expected to care for the environment. In society and academia alike, we often assume that such environmental practices are most common in middle and upper classes. Environmental practices are generally treated as luxury goods that depend on access to resources (such as money or knowledge). Allegedly, these resources are needed to be able to care for the environment or to align this care with behavior. Yet, evidence shows that one’s ecological footprint consistently increases with income or wealth. This dissertation aims to disentangle the relationship between social class and environmental practices. Lees de thesis via deze link

2023. Ariadne Driezen. Youth navigating the superdiverse city of Antwerp: constructing and negotiating ethnic and religious symbolic boundaries

​This study draws upon symbolic boundary theory to understand how ethno-religious minority and majority youth experience and navigate their superdiverse social environments, and how they construct, negotiate and rework the ethnic and religious symbolic boundaries they are faced with. Je kan de thesis hierlezen. 

2023. Elien Mathys. Verantwoording en leren op gespannen voet: De rol van evaluatieonderzoek in de verantwoordingsrelaties van sociaalwerkorganisaties. 

Sociaal werkers worden steeds vaker geconfronteerd met een toenemende verwachting om verantwoording af te leggen voor behaalde resultaten. Verantwoording kan zowel intern gericht zijn aan het management, sociale professionals en cliënten van de organisatie om te leren en de praktijk te verbeteren, als extern aan partners of de subsidiërende overheid om prestaties aan te tonen. Dit proefschrift vertrekt vanuit het spanningsveld tussen opwaarts verantwoorden en intern leren als motieven om sociaalwerkpraktijken te evalueren. Aan de hand van drie casestudies bekijk ik op welke manier een evaluatieonderzoek een bijdrage levert aan beide verantwoordingsrelaties en ga ik na of beide evaluatiedoeleinden met elkaar verenigbaar zijn. Hier kan je het doctoraat downloaden.

2023. Sara Elloukmani. Unveiling differences: An exploration of workplace diversity discourses, practices and identities in nonprofit organizations

In this dissertation, I question how workplace diversity is put to work in Flemish nonprofit organizations. In Flanders, the nonprofit sector unmistakably deals with a skewed workforce representation, especially in terms of ethnic differences. Building on insights from critical and poststructuralist diversity studies, this dissertation aims to contribute to the literature by examining the context and processes through which differences are established in nonprofit organizations. It more specifically rests on the assumption that the ways in which differentiation in terms of ‘diversity’ is made, is strongly embedded in the characteristics of nonprofit organizations and the positioning of actors in it. Lees de volledige tekst via deze link.

2023. Dries Dingenen. De ‘meervoudige natuur van actieonderzoek’. Opportuniteiten en spanningsvelden van burgerparticipatie in sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek

Actieonderzoek heeft een duidelijke emancipatorische connotatie en in de wetenschappelijke literatuur vormt democratisering een rode draad. Het verwezenlijken van de onderliggende emancipatorische aspiraties van actieonderzoek is echter allesbehalve evident en in de praktijk ervaren onderzoekers heel wat uitdagingen en moeilijkheden. Lees de thesis via deze link.

2023. Bert Morrens. Environmental health inequalities under the skin: looking at human biomonitoring through an environmental justice lens. 

In this doctoral thesis, I aimed to disentangle the connections between social inequality and human biomonitoring in Flanders in a twofold manner: a quantitative approach to stratify body burden concentrations of chemicals according to different social and ethnic indicators and a qualitative approach to make biomonitoring research practices more inclusive and accessible to vulnerable groups. Lees de volledige tekst via deze link.

2023. Liesbeth Naessens. Forensic Social Work: aHuman Rights Perspective.

This doctoral dissertation analyses social work practices with people confronted withcriminal justice interventions. More specifically, it investigates how practices of forensic social work (FSW) in Brussels and Flanders can apply a human rights perspective. De volledige tekst vind je via deze link.

2022. Imane Kostet. Crafting Ordinary LivesHow Children Negotiate Ethnic and Social Class Boundariesin a Super-diverse City.

Building on insights from cultural sociology and the ‘New Sociology of Childhood’, this dissertation aims to add to the literature on symbolic boundary making by examining how children negotiate ethnic and social class boundaries in a super-diverse environment in which inequality is structured along ethnic lines. De volledige thesis lees je hier.

2022. Clemens de Olde. Urbanisation and planning culture in Flanders.

Om meer inzicht te krijgen in het onvermogen van het Vlaams gewest om verdere versnippering en ruimtebeslag in te dammen, analyseert dit proefschrift het Vlaamse verstedelijkingsbeleid in de periode 1996-2021. Lees hier meer.

2020. Elisabet Van Wymeersch. The transformative potential of land use conflicts : unravelling processes of politicisation and depoliticisation.

Elisabet bekijkt hoe conflicten rond landgebruik kunnen bijdragen aan maatschappelijke verandering en onderzoekt de relevantie van deze conflicten voor planningstheorie. Lees de volledige dissertatie via deze link.

2020. Ympkje Albeda. Community dynamics in superdiverse neighbourhoods.

In recent decades, cities have changed from diverse cities into super-diverse cities. This rapid transition and diversification of the urban population raises the question of how residents deal with this. This doctoral thesis tries to contribute to the answer by describing the community dynamics in super-diverse neighbourhoods. Lees de volledige tekst via deze link. 

2020. Schuld in Meervoud. Een sociologische verkenning van schuldinvordering tussen economie, recht en sociaal werk - Elias Storms

Deze dissertatie biedt een sociologische analyse van schuldinvordering ten aanzien van gezinnen in België. De scriptie brengt professionele praktijken van incassokantoren, gerechtsdeurwaarders en schuldbemiddelaars in kaart, belicht hoe deze gedifferentieerde handelingen schuld tot ‘meervoudig object’ maken, en analyseert hoe deze praktijken zich verhouden tot schuldenaren met betalingsproblemen. De verdediging vond plaats op 21 januari 2020. 

Lees de pdf via deze website.

2019. Aankomstwijken in Vlaanderen. Een onderzoek naar gelokaliseerde bronnen voor het aankomst- en transitieproces van migranten - Elise Schillebeeckx

Dubbeldoctoraat met KU Leuven. Het volledige boek is te vinden via deze pagina (sectie 'PhD theses')


Oudere doctoraatsproefschriften zijn beschikbaar via deze link.