
21/09: Geen les (LESWEEK 1)


28/09: Les 1 Introductie (LESWEEK 2)

Kennismaking + introductie


5/10: Les 2 Filosofie en geschiedenis van het experiment (LESWEEK 3)

Boon, Mieke. (2015). The Scientific Use of Technological Instruments. In: Hansson, S. (ed.). The Role of Technology in Science: Philosophical Perspectives. p. 55 – 79.

Catherine M. Jackson. (2016). The Laboratory. In: Lightman, Bernard (ed.). A Companion to the History of Science: p. 296 – 309.


12/10: Les 3 Observatie en experimentatie (LESWEEK 4)

Daston, Lorraine. (2009). The Empire of Observation, 1600 – 1800. In: Daston, Lorraine & Lunbeck, Elizabeth (eds.). Histories of Scientific Observation: p. 81 – 113.

Fox Keller, Evelyn. (1996). The Biological Gaze. In: Robertson, George et al. (eds). FutureNatural: Nature, Science, Culture: p. 107 – 120.


19/10: Les 4 Productie en gebruik van data (LESWEEK 5)

Leonelli, Sabina. (2016). The Philosophy of Data. In: Floridi, Luciano. (ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Information: p. 170-181.

Radin, Joanna. “Digital Natives”: How Medical and Indigenous Histories Matter for Big Data. Osiris 32(1): p. 43 – 64.


26/10: Les 5 Productie en gebruik van representaties (LESWEEK 6)

Morgan, Mary. (2003). Experiments without Material Intervention: Model Experiments, Virtual Experiments and Virtually Experiments. In: Radder, Hans. (ed.). The Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation: p. 216 – 235.

Ankeny, Rachel. (2010). Historiographic Reflections on Model Organisms: Or How the Mureaucracy May Be Limiting our Understanding of Contemporary Genetics and Genomics. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 32(1): p. 91 – 104.


2/11: Geen les (Allerzielen)


9/11: Les 6 Replicatie van experimenten (LESWEEK 7)

Feest, Uljana. (2019). Why Replication is Overrated. Philosophy of Science 86: p. 895 – 905.

Havstad, Joyce C. (2020). Forty Years after Laboratory Life. Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 12: p. 1 – 34.


16/11: Les 7 Laboratorium en onderwijs (LESWEEK 8)

Olesko, Kathryn. (1993). Tacit knowledge and school formation. Osiris 8: p. 16 – 29.

Delamont, Sara and Atkinson, Paul. (2001). Doctoring Uncertainty: Mastering Craft Knowledge. Social Studies of Science 31(1): p. 87 – 107.


23/11: Les 8 Laboratorium en wetenschap in het veld (LESWEEK 9)

Tomášková, Silvia. (2007). Mapping a Future: Archaeology, Feminism, and Scientific Practice. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 14(3): p. 264 – 284.

Raby, Megan. (2017). A Laboratory for Tropical Ecology: Colonial Models and American Science at Cinchona, Jamaica. In: De Bont, Raf & Lachmund, Jens. (ed.). Spatializing the History of Ecology: Sites, Journeys, Mappings. p. 56 – 78.


30/11: Les 9 Experimenten en menselijke subjecten (LESWEEK 10)

Guerrini, Anita. (2016). The Human Experimental Subject. In: Lightman, Bernard (ed.). A Companion to the History of Science: p. 126 – 138.

Fullwiley, Duana. (2014). The “Contemporary Synthesis”. When Politically Inclusive Genomic Science Relies on Biological Notions of Race. Isis 105: p. 803 – 814.


7/12: Les 10 Culturele laboratoria (LESWEEK 11)

Bigg, Charlotte. (2017). The view from here, there and nowhere? Situating the observer in the planetarium and in the solar system. Early Popular Visual Culture 15(2): p. 204 – 226.

Yusoff, Kathryn & Gabrys, Jennifer. (2011). Climate Change and the Imagination. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 2(4): p. 516 – 534.


14/12: Les 11 (LESWEEK 12)

Presentaties studenten


21/12: Les 12 (LESWEEK 13)
