Prof. dr. Birgit Mandel, University of Hildesheim "International perspectives on the changing roles of cultural policy and cultural management"


For the 20th anniversary of the Master program on Cultural management at the University of Antwerp, we invited prof. dr. Birgit Mandel (director Department Cultural Policy University Hildesheim) for a lecture. From her experiences with the German Cultural policy, prof. Mandel critically assessed the impact of internationalization on the role of cultural policy and management. About this topic she recently published a book: 'Arts/Cultural Management in International Contexts'. 

After Prof. Mandels lecture prof. dr. Annick Schramme moderated a discussion with dr. Johan Kolsteeg (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) and Luc Delrue (Secretary-general Departement CJM of the Flemish administration) and the audience. 

Powerpoint presentation of the lecture