The University of Antwerp subscribes to the Code of Ethics for Scientific Research in Belgium and the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (the ALLEA code).

In the integrity charter for PhD researchers and supervisors affiliated with the University of Antwerp (appendix to the charter for PhD researchers, both to be found in the general PhD regulations), some of the basic principles in these codes are briefly described. Each PhD researcher and supervisor are expected to be aware of these values and to take them into account in the implementation and supervision of the PhD research.

For ethical advice with regard to your research, you can turn to the different ethics committees of UAntwerp. 

To report an infraction on scientific integrity, you can contact the Committee Scientific Integrity of UAntwerp.

Below, you are also referred to more information on scientific integrity and to the policy of UAntwerp regarding the use of (generative) Artificial Intelligence (AI) in research. There, you can find below under ‘Useful links’ the guidelines for the use and development of AI at UAntwerp and an AI Checking tool.