Would you like to learn Dutch in one academic year so that you can then enrol for a Dutch-language study programme in higher education? On this page you will find all the information about the Prep Year at Linguapolis: from the programme’s contents to submitting your application.

  1. What does the programme look like?
  2. Why choose the Prep Year at Linguapolis?
  3. What's the price?
  4. What enrolment conditions must you meet?
  5. How and when do I submit my application?
  6. I have other questions!

What does the programme look like?

The Prep Year is a full-time programme that entitles you to a student visa for those who want to enrol for a Dutch-language study programme at a higher education institution in Belgium. You will learn Dutch from the absolute beginner level up to level 5.

  • You will attend classes for 15 hours a week during the day, Monday to Friday
  • You need to schedule sufficient time for self-study
  • You will also follow courses on Culture of the Low Countries, Academic Skills and Phonetics

If you pass the final exam, the Interuniversitaire Taaltest Nederlands voor Anderstaligen (ITNA, Interuniversity Language Test: Dutch as a Foreign Language), you can enrol for a study programme at a higher education institution in Flanders.

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Find out more about the programme in our study guide!

Download pdf (in English, 1.9 MB)

Why choose the Prep Year at Linguapolis?

  • You will become a student at the University of Antwerp which means that you can use your student card to access the university facilities.
  • You will be taught by the most experienced language teachers who will fully support you in your learning process and future in Antwerp.
  • You can practise Dutch with your language buddy through Taalmaat.
  • You will make friends for life during all kinds of cultural and social activities.

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Alumna Paula shares her experience

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What's the price?

Total tuition fee

The total tuition fee is: 

  • € 4 795 for students who are nationals of a member state of the European Economic Area. € 2 000 of this sum needs to be paid in advance.
  • € 6 495 for students who are not nationals of a member state of the European Economic Area.   2 000 of this sum needs to be paid in advance.

!  Accommodation is not included in the tuition fee.

Scholarships for refugees

A limited number of scholarships is available for refugees. The deadline for submitting your online application for academic year 2024-2025 is 4 July 2024. You can read more about the conditions and the application procedure here.

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What enrolment conditions must I meet?

In order to apply for the Preparatory One-Year Programme: Dutch as a Foreign Language in an Academic Context, you will need to comply with:

Visa requirements

Depending on your nationality, you will need a visa to follow the Dutch Preparatory Programme at Linguapolis. Check whether you need a visa here.

In order to obtain a student visa for the Preparatory One-Year Programme: Dutch as a Foreign Language in an Academic Context, candidates will need to be accepted for both the Preparatory One-Year Programme and the (under)graduate degree they intend to start in the following academic year.

Please note: When you plan to continue your studies at the University of Antwerp, Artesis Plantijn University College or Karel de Grote University College, you only need to submit one application; the application for the Dutch language year will automatically be included if your level of Dutch is insufficient. Upon successfully completing your application you will receive both Letters of Acceptance needed to apply for a student visa.

A visa will not be approved if it is just for a language course. As a result, a second Letter of Acceptance from a Flemish university or college is required.

You will be required to upload the following documents:

  • ​A copy of a valid passport or identity card
Info for Ukrainian Nationals

For our admission purposes, all Ukrainian nationals will be considered as EEA nationals. You can apply until 31 August 2024 (instead of 1 March 2024). 

The tuition fees payable will be equivalent to those for EEA nationals if you have temporary protection status at the time of enrollment. 

Important information for students with a Chinese diploma 

All students with a Chinese diploma who want to come to Belgium to study will have to obtain a certificate of academic screening issued by the Academic Evaluation Centre (APS) of the German Embassy in Beijing before being granted admission to any higher education institution, language course or other preparatory course in Flanders. APS formulates a non-binding recommendation for the university concerning the level of the student. Please note that an APS certificate is a required condition, but not sufficient for being admitted to any higher education institute. The APS certificate is also required for obtaining a Belgian student visa. Chinese students planning to study in Flanders are advised to contact the Academic Evaluation Centre in Beijing as soon as possible in order to make the necessary arrangements. They should do this before applying for a visa. More information on APS can be found at the website www.aps.org.cn.

Diploma requirements

You have successfully completed secondary school (1) and the degree must give access to higher studies in the country where the diploma was obtained.

You will be required to upload the following documents:

  1. Applicants currently completing their final year of secondary school must submit a copy of an original and signed letter from their secondary school confirming that they are expected to successfully complete secondary school at the end of the current academic year.
  2. A copy of your secondary school certificate (translated into Dutch, English, French or German)
  3. A copy of your secondary school transcript of records (translated into Dutch, English, French or German)
  4. (if applicable) copies of other diplomas, degrees or certificates
  5. (if applicable) for Chinese students: the APS certificate.
  6. (if applicable) A copy of your country's national exam results that allow you to start higher education.

Language requirements

  • You have an intermediate knowledge of English (= level B1 in the CEFR)
  • Native speakers of English, and/or students who attended a secondary school where the language of instruction was English, must have experience in studying another European language as a foreign language (either as a curricular course, or as an extra-curricular course consisting of at least 50 hours).

You will be required to upload the following documents:

  1. Proof that you have studied English as a foreign language
    or (if English is your mother tongue or if English was the language of instruction at your secondary school)
    Proof that you have studied another European language as a foreign language

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How and when do I submit an application?

Don’t need a student visa? 

Submit your application for the academic year 2024-2025 before the 31st of August 2024.

What steps do I need to follow for the application?

1. Fill out the application form

Please fill out the application form above ('apply now') for the academic year 2024-2025 before 31 August 2024.

2. Pay the advance fee

Pay the advance fee of € 2 000 before 31 August 2024.

After you have paid the fee, your application will be evaluated. You will be contacted by email if there are any documents missing.

3. Do the interview

We will schedule a 15 to 20 minute-video call in which we test:

  • Your level of English
  • Your familiarity with the Dutch Language Year Programme
  • Your motivation

4. Provide legalised documents

If the interview went well, you have to provide legalised documents. Legalised documents need to be submitted by post before 7 September 2024.

You can find more information on the legislation of documents here.

5. Get a Letter of Acceptance

You will receive a Letter of Acceptance upon a positive evaluation. This is your formal invitation to the programme.

6. Pay the tuition fee

Pay the the remaining tuition fee before 16 September 2024.

This is: 

  • € 2 795 for students who are nationals of a member state of the European Economic Area. 
  • € 4 495 for students who are not nationals of a member state of the European Economic Area. 

7. Arrive in Belgium for the Prep Year's start

The Dutch Prep Year starts on 16 September 2024. Be sure to be here on time for the start of the programme. For more information on social facilities, student housing, student restaurants, sports, etc please check the website of UAntwerp.

8. Get your Letter of Admission

The Letter of Admission will be issued once:

  • You have paid the complete tuition fee.
  • You have arrived in Belgium and have a Belgian address.
  • You have completed your online (pre)registration with the University of Antwerp for the preparatory year of Dutch.

Do need a student visa?

For people who need a visa, applications are closed for the academic year 2024-2025. Please keep an eye on the website for next year's deadline.

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I have other questions!

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