Institute of Development Policy

Kick-off weekend and student trip

Kick-off weekend

The aim of the kick-off weekend is to create a sense of group feeling among all freshly arrived students and to offer the opportunity to students to get to know each other. The weekend takes place on location in order to enhance permanent exchange between students during organised activities and during their free time.

Teambuilding activities are guided by external, professional facilitators. Other leisure activities are facilitated by IOB staff.

Student trip to Paris

A second trip organised by IOB is the student trip which takes place in March 2025 as a closure event after Module II. Destination is most likely Paris (to be confirmed!). Although we are working on improving the Paris trip; in a nutshell we offer the following: 3 days in Paris with 2 overnights stays; 3 educational/academic visits (OECD and UNESCO for ex.); a boat tour on the river Seine and, depending of the students’ interest, a guided tour in Paris. Students contribute financially to this trip; the exact price will be communicated during the introduction week. Registrations for the Paris trip will be closed in December already to enable us to plan the trip well in advance.