Pharus draws together diverse experts with a passion for translating their academic research into specific legal tools that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of legal frameworks in society.
To achieve this, our researchers cooperate with economists, engineers, social scientists, philosophers, phisicians etc. Our staff members and consultants are all leading academics.
prof. dr. Wouter Verheyen
Academic coordinator Pharus
Legal design of logistics and work in a disruptive societal context

prof. dr. Bruno Peeters
European and international tax law/general (constitutional) principles of tax law and fiscal federalism

prof. dr. Nicolas Carette
Property law and Specific Contracts

prof. dr. Stéphanie De Somer
General Administrative Law / Economic Public Law (regulation and public contracts) / Environment

prof. dr. Anne Van de Vijver
Tax law / Tax technology / Tax & ethics

prof. dr. Robby Houben
Company and capital markets law / Sports enterprise law

prof. dr. Sigrid Pauwels
Law & Governance of Strategic Urban Development

prof. dr. Esther van Zimmeren
Intellectual Property Law & Governance / Innovation for more Resilience / Partnerships and Co-creation in Urban Settings

dr. Nick Portugaels
Valorisation manager Pharus & visiting professor in private law