Novel probes for imaging of tumor-associated proteases via Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and fluorescence microscopy
Organisation: University of Antwerp, Belgium
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Pieter Van der Veken
Co-supervisors: Prof. Dr. Ingrid De Meester and Prof. Dr. Filipe Elvas
I am from Athens, Greece and I graduated with a BSc from the University of Crete’s Department of Chemistry in 2021. To broaden my horizons, I pursued a three-month Erasmus+ traineeship at The University of Glasgow, under the supervision of Dr. Andrew Jamieson, where I synthesized peptides and related peptidomimetics using solid-phase peptide synthesis. Feeling drawn towards medicinal chemistry, I completed my master’s degree in Drug Discovery and Pharmaceutical Sciences at The University of Nottingham. During my master’s thesis, I optimized the Suzuki cross-coupling reaction conditions to construct appropriately protected 4-arylphenylalanines using greener methods, under the supervision of Dr. Weng Chan. Following a three-month period working in industry, I am currently conducting my PhD research at the University of Antwerp, where I am synthesizing small molecule Granzyme B inhibitors, which will be used as probes for monitoring CAR T-cell therapy.