IDLab has a unique research infrastructure used in numerous national and international collaborations.

- R&D Infrastructure in city environment of Antwerp
- 100+ gateways for wireless connectivity and data processing in the city
- Large-scale and environmental city-wide testing
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- 16 Nvidia V100 Tensor Core GPUs (81920 CUDA cores)
- 2 petaFLOPS
- Job-based GPU processing
- Jupyterhub access
- AI and data processing research
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- Dynamic IoT platform
- OCTA software stack
- From prototype to a scale-up guidance
- Focus on energy-aware applications
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- 3 highly configurable mobile manipulators (TurtleBot/Locobot)
- Pepper social humanoid robot and sparki bots
- Various sensors (vision, depth, lidar, …)
- Various simulators (or digital twins) for training
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Smart Highway

- R&D infrastructure in highway environment of Antwerp
- 1 smart car and 7 roadside infrastructures for wireless connectivity and data processing on the public road
- Onboard unit and roadside unit also available in laboratory settings and remotely accessible
- Real-life measurements using commercial C-V2X, ITS-G5 modules and USRPs
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