Who are we ?
Integrated Sustainable Chemistry consortium (InSusChem) which propose a pool of complementary expertise in the sustainable chemistry value chain : renewable building blocks, materials for sustainable processes, sustainable processes driven by alternative energy and/or circular building blocks and reactors for sustainable processes.
What can we do for you ? We want to help and support companies (SME’s, multinationals) in their green sustainable transition to decrease their environmental footprint with a focus on the development of better, energy-saving and resource-efficient technologies for chemical, pharmaceutical, and other industries.
How can we reach our objective ? By valorizing the academic knowledge through a close collaboration with the chemical industry in order to transform our ideas into business opportunities that will have a sustainable impact on the planet and society. We are linking companies with the appropriate research partners having the right expertise or the right infrastructure. By doing so, we support at the same time our researchers within the university of Antwerp in the transfer of knowledge and technologies to the business world.
How can we work together ? We are interested in research collaborations with industrial partners (bilateral, multilateral or government-funded channels), in fee-for-service contracts for various analytical techniques as well as computer modelling methods, and in consultancy.
Integrated Sustainable Chemistry - InSusChem
IOF consortium - Integrated Sustainable Chemistry